“Call It Fate Or God” – Hero Nashville Police Officer Describes Irregularities That Put Him In Position To Stop Mass Shooter | The Gateway Pundit

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Officer Rex Englebert and Officer Michael Collazo were the two officers who shot at mass shooter Audrey Hale and fatally wounded her- they saved countless lives.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported:

The Metro Nashville Police have identified the two cops who took out the “transgender” Covenant School shooter.

Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake said Officer Rex Englebert and Officer Michael Collazo were the two officers fired at the 28-year-old Audrey Hale “and fatally wounded her.” This ended a horrifying killing spree that left six victims, including three children, dead.

Officer Englebert is a four-year MNPD veteran and Officer Collazo is a nine-year MNPD veteran according to Fox News.

Drake said Hale was firing at police through a second floor window at the school. Officers including Englebert and Collazo entered and cleared the building and located Hale in a common area.

Officer Englebert spoke on his response that day.

Englebert revealed that he was not even supposed to be in that sector — but when he heard the call he went to the school.

Englebert said, “I really had no business being where I was. I think you can call it fate or God or whatever you want, but I can’t count on both my hands the irregularities that put me in that position when a call for service came out for an act of deadly aggression at a school.”

WATCH (partial transcript below)

From the video above:

“It was a regular workday for me. For some reason I was feeling tired, I’m a proactive unit. I work for the central bike team. I guess I hadn’t finished my coffee and I wanted to complete some administrative tasks. So I wanted to go to the Metro Police Academy. I had some business to attend to there. En route there, that put me in the midtown sector, so I really had no business being where I was. I think you can call it fate or God or whatever you want, but I can’t count on both my hands the irregularities that put me in that position when a call for service came out for an act of deadly aggression at a school. I immediately turn on my lights and sirens knowing the severity of such a call like Sergeant said it demands ample resources in which I was available like I said I was attending to myself. I’ve been to I don’t know how many false act of deadly aggression calls something told me it was time for to really get to this one. I treat them all the same but I was driving as safely as I could get my body there. I don’t know the area I needed to put it in GPS, when I arrived, I don’t know the layout of the school. Luckily due to the bravery of two staff members, they stayed on scene they didn’t run and they gave me concise, clear information for me to use to help anyone in danger. Gentleman gave me the exact key I needed to enter the building. It was readily apparent, I was gonna be the one to make entry. I’ve been given my training I know my role and I made entry with the personel I had and luckily I had some. I saw there were patrol units and I asked for people to join me as I had a key. I was unaware of any other access points other than the one I had…Like I said I don’t work with anyone that was there that day so we had to use plain speak to understand each others roles what we had to do. When I did hear stimulus I couldn’t get to it fast enough. I just looked for the nearest staircase I could find because I could tell it was above my head. Following the guidance of other officers I luckily deployed my rifle, kept walkng towards the sound of gun fire there were, like the Sergeant said some smoke in the air. It was very simlair to the training we recieve. “

People praised Engelbert for his heroism.

A true hero!

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