Can’t Make This Up… Twitter and Facebook Censor Gateway Pundit Post on Historic MO v. Biden Free Speech Ruling on Censorship with Gateway Pundit as Plaintiff | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

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On Independence Day Judge Terry Alvin Doughty from Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and other Biden administration agencies from continuing its government-wide, fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to censor speech and manipulate the public.

BREAKING: Independence Day Victory for Free Speech – Trump-Appointed Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction Prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and Other Agencies from Colluding with Big Tech to Censor Americans in MO v. Biden Case – with Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff!

The Biden regime was spending MILLIONS to shut down conservative voices and social media accounts and control speech in the United States. This is an obvious abuse of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Democrats were outraged at the ruling, angry that the government would be unable to silence alternative voices in the public square.

US District Court Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee who still honors the US Constitution, accused the Biden Regime of violating the First Amendment by censoring unfavorable views in a blistering 155-page opinion.

The judge called the Biden Regime’s efforts “Orwellian.”

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Judge Doughty wrote.

Judge Doughty blasted the Biden Regime and said the censorship of conservative views is “quite telling.”

“This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech,” he continued. “American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country … the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario.”

In Judge Terry Doughty’s ruling he included this on The Gateway Pundit: “The GP’s Twitter account previously had over 400,000 followers, the Facebook account had over 650,000 followers, the Instagram account had over 200,000 followers, and the YouTube account had over 98,000 followers.”

Following this historic announcement on Tuesday The Gateway Pundit posted the story on social media.

Here are the results:

On Twitter, despite having 575,000 followers the tweet was limited in its reach. The elites at Twitter only allowed 138 retweets and 375 likes — with an audience of 575,000!

And on Facebook, with 646,000 followers the post was censored and only seen by 1,300 individuals with engagement by 263 and 16 comments.

It wasn’t that long ago that The Gateway Pundit was one of the top four influential conservative websites on Twitter and Facebook. After years of censorship by the Industrial Censorship Complex, we barely see a blip in social media traffic.

if you thought the tech giants would lift the shackles on a report on Big Tech-government censorship you would be mistaken.

Credit: Source link


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