Catholic University of America Posts Paintings of George Floyd as Jesus in Campus Ministry Office

george floyd jesus american university
george floyd jesus american university

The Catholic University of America has paintings of George Floyd as Jesus hanging outside of the university chapel in the campus ministry office and inside its law school.

The Daily Signal reported.

Paintings depicting George Floyd as Jesus Christ hang in both The Catholic University of America’s campus ministry office and its law school, The Daily Signal has learned.

Catholic University appeared to shrug off responsibility for the painting Monday, telling The Daily Signal that artist Kelly Latimore’s painting “Mama” depicts “the Virgin Mary supporting the body of the dead Christ”—although the artist has indicated repeatedly that his painting depicts both Floyd and Jesus.

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“You can identify Jesus by the marks in the halo,” said Karna Lozoya, vice president for university communications. Lozoya would not further address the matter with The Daily Signal.

“The icon has no place at The Catholic University of America; it is blasphemous and an offense to the Catholic faith, but it is not surprising at all that it was put there,” a junior at Catholic University told The Daily Signal in an email. “It is just another symptom of the liberalization and secularization of our campus.”

This is not the first time something like this happened.
Democrats pictured repeat felon George Floyd as an angel during his funeral.
They sure pick some bizarre role models.

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