Chicago Man Arrested for 15th Time This Year, One Week after 14th Arrest! Arrested 41 Times Since 2014!

Cary Mamola
Cary Mamola

Cary Mamola is certainly doing his part to show the world what life is like for criminals in Chicago, where, if you do the crime, you don’t do any time!

Mamola, who was arrested on September 18 and again on September 21 for the 14th time this year, was taken in by police again for the 15th time the following week.

The CWB reports:

Mamola, 44, is now charged with criminal damage to property and criminal trespassing.

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“I would note,” Allen told Judge Barbara Dawkins during Mamola’s latest bail hearing, “that the defendant has no less—and I say no less ‘cuz I stopped counting at 27—misdemeanor convictions, including seven from this year alone.”

He also has five felony convictions, Allen said, for burglary, attempted escape, escape, theft, and criminal damage. Mamola has also forfeited bond by failing to appear in court “no less than 14” times, Allen told the judge. “I stopped counting at 14.”

Assistant Public Defender Michael Grady said Mamola is unemployed and lives with roommates.

Judge Dawkins set bail on the new charges at $5,000 with electronic monitoring, meaning Mamola must pay a $500 bail deposit to get out of jail. He will earn a $30 daily credit for every day spent in custody. She also ordered him to pay $300 bail deposits on each conditional discharge matter he violated.

He’s due back in court on Monday. And Tuesday.

Mamola has been arrested 41 times since 2014.

Maybe the city of Chicago should implement a special program in Cary Mamola’s name, where repeat offenders are never punished but get to regularly meet with a social worker, who is also preferably a convicted felon, to help them be better understood and talk about why they feel compelled to commit crimes over and over again. That way, in the spirit of fairness and equity, the prisons wouldn’t be filled with criminals!

Credit: Source link


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