Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan Responds to Misleading Mainstream Media Reports on His Company’s Shutdown

Doug Logan 1
Doug Logan 1

Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan

Cyber Ninjas is closing shop. The Florida company was hired to run the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona’s largest county. Maricopa voted Democrat for the first time since Harry Truman after World War II. It must have been Joe Biden’s charisma? Or maybe it was fraud?

The media attacked the Florida firm mercilessly for running the investigation on the questionable results in Maricopa County.

The audit found evidence of alleged illegal activity and over 700,000 suspect ballots issues.

This morning we spoke with Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas.

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Doug told us the media reports were misleading. The company’s decision to shut down had nothing to do with the court ruling this week in Arizona. An Arizona judge fined Cyber Ninjas $50,000 a day for noncompliance with an August order to turn over audit-related records to the far left Arizona Republic.

Doug said the company paid off many of its creditors but was still in debt. In fact, Cyber Ninjas laid off workers in January and made the decision to shut down last year.

Logan mentioned that he believes the Arizona Senate should have paid more per their contract. He did say his employees were all paid before they were let go.

We will update this post as we hear more.

The fake news mainstream media put its predictable spin on the story.

Cyber Ninjas, the Florida firm hired by Arizona Senate Republicans to conduct a partisan review of Maricopa County’s 2020 ballots, said Thursday evening that it is not longer in business. “Cyber Ninjas is shutting down,” company representative Rod Thompson told NBC News. “All employees have been let go,” including CEO Doug Logan.

But an Arizona judge who had just fined it $50,000 a day for noncompliance with an August order to turn over audit-related records to The Arizona Republic, wasn’t having it.

“The court is not going to accept the assertion that Cyber Ninjas is an empty shell and that no one is responsible for seeing that it complies,” Maricopa Superior Court Judge Hannah told Cyber Ninjas lawyer Jack Wilenchik. He questioned the company’s insolvency, citing millions in donations, and suggested it needn’t cost much to comply with the records request. Hannah said the fines would start to accrue Friday, and may be applied to individuals in the company.

But an Arizona judge who had just fined it $50,000 a day for noncompliance with an August order to turn over audit-related records to The Arizona Republic, wasn’t having it.

“The court is not going to accept the assertion that Cyber Ninjas is an empty shell and that no one is responsible for seeing that it complies,” Maricopa Superior Court Judge Hannah told Cyber Ninjas lawyer Jack Wilenchik. He questioned the company’s insolvency, citing millions in donations, and suggested it needn’t cost much to comply with the records request. Hannah said the fines would start to accrue Friday, and may be applied to individuals in the company.

“Wilenchik has asked to quit as the Cyber Ninjas lawyer because he hasn’t been paid, but Hannah refused to approve until new local attorneys are in place to represent the firm,” The Associated Press reports.

The Republic had requested $1,000 a day in sanctions, but Hannah called that “grossly insufficient” to compel Cyber Ninja’s compliance. “It is lucidly clear on this record that Cyber Ninjas has disregarded that order,” he said in his ruling.

State Senate President Karen Fann (R) hired Cyber Ninjas to conduct what she called a “forensic audit” of Maricopa’s ballots, part of a broader effort by allies of former President Donald Trump to find evidence for his claim the election was stolen. Cyber Ninja, which had no election review experience, eventually found that Trump lost the county, and Arizona, to President Biden by more votes than originally counted.

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