DOJ Hacks Want to Slap Gag Order on Navarro So Mainstream Media Can Ruin Him Without Opposition — Just Like They Did with Roger Stone

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What crooks!

The DOJ and the FBI should be shut down and then built back up with men and women of integrity, not this group of corrupt and criminal actors.  To date, the DOJ can’t find Ray Epps who encouraged people to storm the Capitol on Jan 6.  There are no arrests related to the four murdered Americans on Jan 6 because they happen to be Trump supporters.  The DOJ also has numerous Americans sitting in jail for over a year for practicing the constitutional right of protesting the stolen 2020 Election.

Every day we find more and more evidence from the stolen 2020 Election, but the corrupt DOJ and FBI won’t look at that.  Instead, they arrest and persecute innocent men and women who had the courage to stand up against this corrupt and criminally seditious administration and legislature.

Peter Navarro was arrested at a DC airport and put in handcuffs for denying to go in front of the Jan 6 kangaroo court.  This court, which is led by Trump haters like Liz Cheney, is unconstitutional and doesn’t even have the makeup of participants that was given to the committee when it was implemented.

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Now the crooks in the DOJ, FBI, and Jan 6 committee want to prevent Dr. Navarro from speaking out about his trial.  This is his God-given right and yet this ultra corrupt committee is taking this away too.

The Daily Mail reported:

Prosecutors are trying to slap a gag order on Trump adviser Peter Navarro to prevent him creating a ‘carnival atmosphere’ or sharing evidence from a grand jury as he fights charges of contempt of Congress.

He appeared in court on Friday after being arrested.

Immediately afterwards he addressed reporters outside the courthouse and condemned the manner of his arrest. Two Fox News appearance have followed, in which he claimed he was treated like an ‘Al Qaeda terrorist.’

On Wednesday, federal prosecutors said they wanted to provide Navarro – who says he is having trouble finding a legal team – with the grand jury evidence that led to charges so that he could prepare a defense.

But they said his conduct suggested there should be protections to ensure he does not use the material for a media campaign.

In return he accused them of trying to exploit the fact that he does not have legal representation yet.

‘The defendant’s extrajudicial statements, however, demonstrate a substantial risk that, without a protective order, the defendant will use non-public discovery for improper purposes instead of to prepare the defense he plans to present before this court,’ wrote the prosecutors.

This happened to Roger Stone as well when he was arrested in the Russia-collusion kangaroo court.  The entire Russia collusion fable was based on lies.  Stone did nothing wrong and corrupt DC Obama judge Amy Berman Jackson took away Stone’s right to say anything about the many corrupt acts taken against him.  Like we know the 2020 Election was stolen, we also know that the Russia collusion mess was a big lie.

These people act like communist leaders.  This is not the America we grew up with. 

Credit: Source link


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