Facebook Prepares to Influence 2022 Midterm Elections

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Facebook has shared plans to ‘protect’ the 2022 midterm elections in a recent post from Meta’s Nick Clegg, President of Global Affairs. Their approach to 2022 is  ‘consistent with the policies and safeguards we had in place during the 2020 US presidential election.’  And we know how that turned out.

There will be 40 teams with hundreds of people working on the midterms focused on “preventing voter interference, connecting people with reliable information and providing industry-leading transparency for ads about social issues, elections and politics.”

Clegg unashamedly gloated that they will  partner with the Biden administration through an alliance with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

The Gateway Pundit reported on on a landmark lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt against the Biden administration for colluding with Big Tech.  Evidence from The Gateway Pundit plays a major role in the case.

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A copy of the lawsuit can he seen here.

In Clegg’s recent post he shares:

Our approach to the 2022 US midterms applies learnings from the 2020 election cycle and exceeds the measures we implemented during the last midterm election in 2018. This includes advanced security operations to fight foreign interference and domestic influence campaigns, our network of independent fact-checking partners, our industry-leading transparency measures around political advertising and pages, as well as new measures to help keep poll workers safe. As we did in 2020, we have a dedicated team in place to combat election and voter interference while also helping people get reliable information about when and how to vote.

Our teams fight both foreign interference and domestic influence operations, and have exposed and disrupted dozens of networks that have attempted to interfere with US elections. We’ve banned more than 270 white supremacist organizations, and removed 2.5 million pieces of content tied to organized hate globally on Facebook in the first quarter of 2022. Of the content we removed, nearly 97% of it was found by our systems before someone reported it. We’re also investing in proactive threat detection and expanding our policies to help address coordinated harassment and threats of violence against election officials and poll workers.

As was the case in the US in 2020, election-related content we will remove includes misinformation about the dates, locations, times, and methods of voting; misinformation about who can vote, whether a vote will be counted, and qualifications for voting; and calls for violence related to voting, voter registration, or the administration or outcome of an election. We will reject ads encouraging people not to vote or calling into question the legitimacy of the upcoming election.

While Clegg did not specify how Facebook will address content from left-wing groups, we already know what they do to protect leftists. The New York Post was locked out of Twitter and unable to post stories after revealing they had obtained a hard drive from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

They routinely block content and suspend or deplatform opinions that go against their narrative.  They even have a list of ‘dangerous’ people and organizations.

For years Facebook has targeted conservative outlets. A WSJ report revealed the bias of the Facebook staff.  They have enlisted ‘fact-checkers’ they later admitted in court are actually “protected opinions” used by the company to limit speech.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft testified at a Congressional hearing regarding Facebook’s oppressive censorship.





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