Federal Judge Rules Banning Guns for Marijuana Users is Unconstitutional

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If you’ve ever purchased a firearm through a gun shop or at a gun show, you have more than likely filled out an ATF Form 4473.  Most gun owners can scroll down and check the “NO” boxes as it doesn’t apply to them.

But for some, like myself, we get to question 21e and pause for a moment.  The question asks:

Are you an unlawful user of, addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

It gives a warning that even if marijuana is legal in your state, it is still illegal federally, even though Biden has pardoned all simple marijuana possession convictions, which freed zero people from prison and seemed to be more of a political posturing prior to the 2022 midterms.

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A federal judge in Oklahoma, however, has ruled that prohibiting individuals from gun ownership because of marijuana use is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Patrick Wyrick, a Trump appointee, ruled that being a user of the plant does not justify the disarming of citizens:  “…the mere use of marijuana carries none of the characteristics that the Nation’s history and tradition of firearm regulation supports.”

The case was brought by lawyers for Jared Michael Harrison, who was arrested during a traffic stop when a loaded revolver and some marijuana was found in his vehicle.  It is unclear if he was a “user” at the time, however the possession alone was wrongly used to justify his arrest.

The following is strictly my opinion and does not necessarily reflect The Gateway Pundit and is in no way medical advice:

This ruling is personal to me and thousand of other combat veterans and individuals who suffer from PTSD and other physical ailments.  Rather than take harmful benzodiazepines or SSRi medications, or copious amounts of pain killers, we turn to the plant instead.  Many of us have done so to cast off the harmful physical and psychological side effects of these drugs and opt for a plant with zero overdose deaths and an atrocious stigma from decades of prohibition.  See CBS’s “7 Health Myths Up in Smoke.”

The State of Florida’s Dept. of Agriculture commissioner, Nikki Fried, a democrat, sued the Biden administration to block a federal rule that prohibits medical marijuana users from buying firearms or obtaining concealed permits.



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