‘Flat-chested’ Hooters girl claims she was fired by manager

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hooters fired1

What a boob! 

Hooters waitress Kirsten Songer — whose social media superstardom swelled after she revealed how she magically transforms her A-cup breasts into a bountiful bosom for work — now claims she has been fired from the chicken hut by her “hellish” manager. 

“There was a manager there, she’s not even a manager, she’s a shift-lead, that had been transferred from another store to our store,” explained Songer, 22, in a trending TikTok tell-all for her 170,000 followers. 

“She was trying to get rid of all the [staff] who’d been there longer than her.” 

The manager did not immediately respond to The Post’s requests for comment. 

Famed Hooters waitress Kirsten Songer claims she was fired thanks to a “messy” manager.
NYPost Composite

Songer, who worked at a Hooters near the University of South Carolina medical school, where she’s studying to become a doctor, went on to reveal that her unnamed superior had reportedly already canned several of her co-workers before giving her the boot after three years of service. 

“She fired a girl of eight years right before [she got me fired]. She fired about six of us and another four quit,” the server claimed. “[Combined], we had like over 20 years with Hooters — even our general manager and both other managers quit, too.”

“She made this place hell,” she alleged.

Songer then claimed that the manager in question, whose picture she shared towards the end of the viral video with more than 178,000 views, reported her to human resources on a “technicality.”

“The technicality of why I got fired on was something called ‘changing guest count,’ ” the décolletage magician said. 

“Even our new general manager, whose first day it was the day I got suspended, said I should have never been fired over it,” said Songer.

Songer claims the unnamed manager went on a firing spree, clearing the restaurant of all staffers with tenure.
Songer claims the unnamed manager went on a firing spree, clearing the restaurant of all staffers with seniority.

In a previous post, she explained that she had reportedly been suspended for two weeks prior to finally getting the ax this week. 

“It was such a technicality that it should have been a write-up, if anything,” she alleged. “But [the new general manager] thinks HR was just tired of seeing my name because of how much I was asking them for help this summer because of this manager making our workplace so hostile and so miserable.”

Songer then shared a screenshot of the woman’s TikTok post — which featured the in-text headline: “[I’m] Under investigation by HF for making employees follow policy,” and a list of alleged staffer infractions such as, “One sleeps with all the customers and breaks all the rules,” and “One puts liquor in her coffee.”

Songer claims she's since landed a new job and is "thankful" to have moved on.
Songer claims she’s since landed a new job and is “thankful” to have moved on.

And the shade was nearly too much for Songer to handle. 

“Look at how this manager talks about us on social media,” she said with disgust. 

Digital supporters rallied around the freckled belle, leaving comments such as, “Why does corporate America tolerate the bad apple over the good?” and “You should hire a lawyer.”

But in response to comments, Songer revealed that she’s already moved on to bigger and better things thanks to the help of her former Hooters family. 

“Tonight’s my first night at my new job 🙂 All my old managers offered me jobs with them or reference letters,” she cheered. “I’m super thankful!”

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