Hunter Biden Sent Letter to Delaware AG Who Has a Long History with the Biden Crime Family

DE AG Kathy Jennings
DE AG Kathy Jennings

Hunter Biden’s attorney sent letters to three entities on Wednesday night to encourage them to investigate individuals who were sharing information from this laptop.  Two of these entities report to his father Joe Biden as part of the Executive Branch.  The third entity was the Delaware Attorney General, a friend of the Biden crime family.

TGP reported on the story as soon as the news broke that Hunter Biden’s attorney sent letters to three individuals and entities to request that they investigate those who were sharing information from his laptop.

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Asks Joe Biden’s Asst. AG, Delaware AG and IRS to Go After Individuals Close to President Trump Who Shared Information from His Laptop

Of course, Hunter would like the US government and taxpayers to cover the costs of investigating the individuals who shared the corrupt and criminal acts of the Biden crime family that were found on his laptop.

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This is why Hunter asked his father’s DOJ and IRS.  This is a terrible precedent that the Biden’s are requesting – to have the government attack and harass with lawfare the individuals who shared the many crimes the Biden crime family is committing.

The Biden crime family is a very dark and sinister gang.

Hunter also requested that the Delaware AG look into these guys.  Again, Hunter doesn’t want to pay the bill and he wants to punish those who share the truth about his corrupt family.

It turns out that Delaware’s AG is a friend of the Bidens as well as individuals who work for her.  This isn’t surprising.  Hunter’s brother was the Delaware AG at one time.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on the connections between the Delaware AG and the Biden crime family.

In a letter Wednesday, Biden attorney Abbe Lowell urged Delaware attorney general Kathy Jennings to investigate John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of a Delaware computer repair shop who turned Biden’s laptop over to the FBI in 2019. Lowell claims Isaac’s handling of the laptop “resulted in the exposure, exploitation, and manipulation of Mr. Biden’s private and personal information.” He said it warrants “a full investigation” and “may merit prosecution.”

“It is not a common thing for a private person and his counsel to seek someone else being investigated, but the actions and motives here require it,” Lowell wrote to Jennings.

Biden’s aggressive new legal strategy could pose conflict of interest issues should the attorney general take up the probe. Jennings had served under the president’s late son, Beau Biden, when he was Delaware attorney general. She touted an endorsement from President Joe Biden during her 2018 campaign.

“I’ve known Joe, Jill, and the Biden family for most of my life. Joe is one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve ever known,” Jennings wrote in an April 2019 Facebook post, which also included a picture of her sandwiched between Joe and Jill Biden.

One of Jennings’s top deputies, Alexander Mackler, is even closer to the Biden family. He served as deputy counsel to then-Vice President Biden until 2016. He is also on close personal terms with Hunter Biden, exchanging hundreds of emails with the first son and his business associates over the years, according to Hunter’s laptop.

“Love you brother,” he wrote to Hunter Biden in Oct. 2018.

Both Jennings and Mackler have maintained their connections to the president. Jennings visited the White House on Nov. 8, 2021, according to White House visitor logs. Mackler has visited four times, meeting with top Biden adviser Steve Ricchetti on March 28, 2022. He visited Biden in the White House residence on April 11, 2022, visitor logs show.

See letter to AG Jennings below – these criminals will not stop in destroying this country.

2023.02.01 Letter to de AG … by CBS News Politics

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