Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump Aide Over Accessing ‘Laptop From Hell’ One Day After Biden Impeachment Inquiry Announced | The Gateway Pundit

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Hunter Biden on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit against former Trump aide Garrett Ziegler for accessing his ‘laptop from hell.’

The lawsuit was filed in the Central District of California just one day after Speaker McCarthy announced an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden.

The lawsuit accuses Ziegler of violating California and federal computer privacy laws after he posted content from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop to the website of his nonprofit, Marco Polo.

Hunter Biden claimed in his lawsuit that the “data appears to have been manipulated both before and after Ziegler obtained it,” according to Politico.

How convenient! After denying the laptop is even his, Hunter Biden is now claiming the data has been manipulated.

Ziegler laughed at the allegations in a statement to far-left Politico.

“I nor the nonprofit, Marco Polo, have been served with any lawsuit — but the one I read this morning out of the Central District of California should embarrass Winston & Strawn LLP,” Ziegler wrote in an email to Politico. “It’s not worth the paper it’s written on. Apart from the numerous state and federal laws and regulations which protect authors like me and the publishing that Marco Polo does, it’s not lost on us that Joe’s son filed this SLAPP one day after an Impeachment inquiry into his father was announced.”

Excerpt from Politico:

In a lawsuit filed Wednesday, the president’s son is accusing former Trump White House staffer Garrett Ziegler of violating California and federal computer privacy laws.

The suit, which focuses on Ziegler’s publication of the purported contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, as well as an encrypted iPhone backup, represents an escalation in the legal fights that have shadowed the Biden presidency.

The suit says that since leaving the White House, Ziegler “has devoted most of his waking time and energy to accessing, tampering with, manipulating, altering, copying and otherwise using” the data in question.

It also noted particularly incendiary comments that Ziegler made in the weeks before the suit was filed.

“Within the last two weeks, Defendant Ziegler went so far as to declare on social media that efforts by Plaintiff to serve him with legal process in the future would met with violence: ‘If the US pResident’s son sends a proxy [i.e., a process server] to illegally trespass on my property I will blow their f—ing brains out,’” the suit notes.

Hunter Biden filed the suit on Wednesday in federal court in the Central District of California, where he now lives. Earlier this year, his legal team called on the Justice Department to open criminal investigations into Ziegler and others who distributed the laptop’s contents, as CNN reported. The suit comes a day after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy authorized an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over allegations that he was involved in, and profited from, his son’s business activities.

In 2019, Hunter Biden dropped off his damaged laptops to a Delaware computer repair shop run by John Paul Mac Isaac.

John Paul Mac Isaac’s life changed in April 2019 when a visibly drunk Hunter Biden stopped by his computer repair shop with three damaged MacBook Pro laptops.

One was destroyed beyond repair and he gave that back to Hunter.

The other required a keyboard that he loaned to Hunter. He never got that keyboard back. The third laptop Hunter left with Mac Isaac to fix.

Hunter Biden never returned to John Paul Mac Isaac’s repair shop to retrieve his property.

After many failed attempts to reach Hunter Biden, John Paul Mac Isaac took lawful ownership of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

In October 2020, The New York Post dropped an “October surprise” on Biden’s presidential campaign and released emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

The emails revealed Hunter Biden was doing business with foreign countries and acting as Joe Biden’s bagman as part of his international influence peddling scheme.

Hunter Biden is going on offense in an effort to blunt the Republicans’ impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden.

Credit: Source link


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