I was wrongly accused of sexual harassment at work now what?

sexual harassment
sexual harassment

A co-worker of mine is psycho. She accused me of making a pass at her and making her feel uncomfortable, so now HR is “investigating” me by asking co-workers if they have witnessed this behavior. I’m innocent and fear that my reputation is ruined. How do I handle being falsely accused?

For the sake of my response, I’m going to assume that what you say is true. Is it possible there was a misunderstanding or is it an outright fabrication? If the latter, register a complaint against her. Either way, don’t interfere with the company process because that could land you in trouble. If your co-worker is known to be anywhere close to the way that you describe her — and if you are known to be someone of great character whose conduct has never been in question — you probably don’t have to worry about your reputation. Ultimately, you will want to avoid interacting with this co-worker. If that’s not possible, at least never allow yourself to be alone with her. Explain that to HR, too, so you aren’t then accused of some other wrongdoing.

I’ve been out of the workforce for 10 years while raising a family. I’m now ready to return but have no idea how to even begin. Any suggestions?

Getting started is the hard part, but once you do and things get rolling you’ll start feeling less overwhelmed and more encouraged. The good news is that the war for talent is so great that many employers are doubling their efforts on programs designed specifically for people like you. Do a search online for companies with returnship programs and you’ll find resources and information on how to apply. Your resume will look different from others and there are many online resources to help you prepare one. Consider volunteering as a way to get back into the workforce, as well as the three Cs: classes, conferences and certifications. These are great for getting back into the game, networking and catching up on the lingo. You can also ease back in with a part-time job, even if it isn’t in your field. Working and meeting other people will help jump-start the process. It’s a journey, but a well-worn path paved with lots of success. Be patient, realistic and stay positive. A healthy frame of mind is critical for every job search.

I took ten years off from work to raise my family and I’m ready to return. Any suggestions?
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Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Weds. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. E-mail: GoToGreg@NYPost.com. Follow: GoToGreg.com and on Twitter: @greggiangrande

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