I’m freaking out about what this salesman did in my house

salesman bathroom 541
salesman bathroom 541

We’ve all dealt with those door-to-door salesmen who show up at your home unannounced in the hopes of making some cash.

Although they’re just doing their job, sometimes it can be quite frightening if you’re home alone.

One woman named McKenna Ashcroft, who goes by @happilykenna on TikTok, said she noticed something really strange after letting one of these men into her home.

She began: “TikTok, I am making this video because, if I go missing, I want you to know these details.

“A summer salesman came to my door and knocked, and you know, did the whole, trying to sell me pest control.

“I told him I wasn’t interested and somehow we got into talking about where he was from.”

She said that she first noticed a red flag during his sales pitch.

“During his spiel, he said, ‘This pest control is great if you have newborns or pets.

“At first it was kind of weird to me that he used the example of newborns because literally not everybody’s going to have a newborn. And I thought it was weird because I have a newborn.”

One mom named McKenna Ashcroft said she noticed something really strange after letting one of these men into her home.

McKenna also has a pet, but she blew off both of these examples as pure coincidences.

“He mentioned that he was from Texas but that he lived in Utah and was going to BYU. And I’m like, ‘Oh my husband too. He went there.’

“Now it could be absolutely nothing, but I feel like I have an instant connection when I meet people who lived in Provo because I did too at one point.

“And he had a friendly face — but so did Ted Bundy,” she said.

She said she made her biggest mistake at the end of their conversation.

McKenna Ashcroft also has a pet, but she blew off both of these examples as pure coincidences.
McKenna Ashcroft also has a pet, but she blew off both of these examples as pure coincidences.

“He said, ‘Do you mind if I just use your bathroom really quick?’ I hesitated for like a good 45 seconds and he knew it.”

Thinking this man went to BYU and seemed somewhat nice, she let him use her bathroom, as it was just around the corner.

“Before he got here, I didn’t know anybody was coming. I blew my nose and threw it in the toilet, closing the lid.

“I didn’t think anything of this, at all, until like an hour later I went in there to use the bathroom, and that tissue I blew my nose on was still in the toilet.

“Which means, he didn’t use it.”

McKenna acknowledged that it was “dumb” of her to let this random man into her home, but she thought he seemed trustworthy.

“And he still could be. I could be making stuff up, I don’t know.”

Still, she wanted to take some precautions in case something did happen to her.

“You guys have all of my neighbors, check their security cameras for a really tall salesman.”

She added that her husband is pretty much always home, so the man shouldn’t think she’s alone like she was that day.

The clip received over one million views and thousands of comments:

“Girl, make sure he didn’t put any cameras in the bathroom,” one person warned.

“Could have been looking at the layout of your house for the future. Don’t let strangers in the house,” added another.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.

Credit: Source link


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