Is the Right Man Behind Bars in the Malibu Creek State Park Shooting?

Sgt. Tui Wright Chip Croft and Dr. Ronda Hampton
Sgt. Tui Wright Chip Croft and Dr. Ronda Hampton

(Above a picture of Sgt. Tui Wright, Chip Croft and Dr. Ronda Hampton)

The material in this article is reprinted with permission from Cece Woods at The Local Malibu.

Cece Woods writes:

In the fall of 2018, after months of terror with a shooter on the loose in Malibu Canyon, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department arrested 42 year old Anthony Rauda in connection with the murder of Tristan Beaudette and multiple shootings  in and around Malibu Creek State Park that occurred between November 2016 and June 2018.

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But was this the right guy?  After four years there is still no court date in the case.

Woods writes:

For the last 13 years, there have been four high profile cases in Malibu Canyon that have had serious issues with law enforcement cover-ups, corruption and intentionally misleading the public and media.

All these cases have one common denominator, (now retired) Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Tui Wright.

Sergeant Wright was in charge of the searches in all missing persons cases, most notably the unsolved ones, as well as conducted independent investigations in the Malibu Creek State Park Shootings.

Wright has a history of court documented psychological issues, PTSD and has on-record expressed the capacity to fatally harm others dating back to 2012.

The most famous case Wright was involved in, is the death of Tristan Beaudette.

In 2009, Mitrice Richardson, 24, was taken into custody by deputies from the Malibu/Lost Hills Station for failure to pay her bill at Geoffrey’s Restaurant in Malibu.

Witnesses and staff at the restaurant noticed she was experiencing a mental health episode and notified responding deputies. Deputy Armando Loureiro was ending a double shift when he responded to the Richardson call and rather than booking her on a 5150 so Richardson could be properly evaluated, she was taken into custody at the station.

According to sources revealing new information, Richardson originally was booked on felony burglary, which was later reduced to misdemeanor charge of Failure to Pay an Innkeeper and possession of under an ounce of Marijuana.

Richardson was released from custody from the Lost Hills Station shortly after midnight on September 17th, 2009 with no money, no cell phone and no transportation to safety into the dead of night.

Because of the location and circumstances of Richardson’s disappearance, the case gained media attention almost immediately.

Sgt. Wright was involved in the search for the young woman’s body.  His actions in these searches were very suspicious.

According to multiple sources, Wright continuously and purposefully failed to follow department protocol. During the first search in 2009, he intentionally stopped the K9s after they picked up Richardson’s scent. Initially, the search was scheduled for two days but after the dogs picked up Richardson’s scent, Wright decided not to have them return the second day.

A few months later, during another search in 2010, Wright intentionally led a drone operator away from the area where Richardson’s body was found.

The young woman’s body was eventually found in the park.  One man has been charged but many are wondering if the right guy is behind bars.

See more on this story at The Local.

Cece Woods started her career in publishing in 2013 with the launch of 90265 Magazine. In late 2014, after noticing a void in local investigative journalism with the departure of Surfside News founder Ann Sobel, Woods started The Local.

Credit: Source link


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