Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

trump truth social first tweet
trump truth social first tweet

Elections have consequences.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

Joe Biden tweeted a hit piece on Republicans on Thursday night. This was posted before his pudding and an early bedtime.

After four hours the President of the United States had only 1,199 retweets.
He has 33 million followers.

President Trump published his first post on Truth Social tonight.
After an hour Trump had 42,000 retweets and over 100,000 likes.
He has 2 million followers on Truth Social.

TRENDING: Dr. Fauci Walks Back Covid Comments, Says Pandemic Not Over in US After White House Sets Him Straight

No matter how much the fake news carries water for the dementia patient, Americans know the 2020 election was stolen from the true president.

Credit: Source link


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