Keystone Pipeline Would Have Delivered 830,000 Barrels of Oil a Day to US — More than Current Daily Russian Imports

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On his first day in office, Joe Biden killed off 42,100 jobs by ending construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The project would have delivered 830,000 barrels of crude to the US every day.

Then, a few months later in May 0221, Joe Biden waived sanctions on Russia’s gas pipeline to Germany.

The US was not allowed to build a gas pipeline but Russia was given approval.

On Friday Varney and Co. co-host Lauren Siminetti revealed the blunt truth on gas prices, Democrat policies, and Russian imports.

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** The US imports 670,000 barrels a day from Russia.
** The Keystone Pipeline would have produced 830,000 barrels per day

** Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline on Day 1.
** Biden approved the Russian pipeline to Germany a few months later.

Today the US imports gas from Russia every day and gas prices have nearly doubled in a little over a year.

This is all due to Democrat policies. At some point, you have to ask whose side are they on?

Credit: Source link


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