Libs of TikTok Suspended on Twitter — AGAIN

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Screenshot 20220426 213404 Twitter

Twitter has once again suspended the wildly popular conservative watchdog Libs of TikTok from the platform.

According to an email sent out through Libs of TikTok’s Substack, the company claims that the account violated their rules against “hateful conduct.”

The woman who runs the account, Chaya Raichik, said in the email that she will be suing the platform if they suspend her permanently.

“Once again, I have received a wrongful 7-day suspension as the result of a targeted harassment campaign from the Left to deplatform me. In response, we sent another letter to Twitter putting them on notice that we will sue them if they permanently suspend my account,” the email read.

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Raichik continued, “Twitter claims I have violated their “hateful conduct policy,” but like my last suspension, they have provided no explanation as to how I violated this policy. Was it hateful to expose an all-ages drag show where a stripper performed in front of children? Was it hateful to expose a drag queen who allowed a small child to repeatedly rub their crotch?”

“Was it hateful to expose Dr. Katherine Gast for openly stating that she ‘will operate on minors’ for gender-affirming surgery?” she asked.

“The truth is I haven’t engaged in hateful conduct. I’ve just exposed the Left’s depravity by reporting the facts. There’s no rule against that, so they have to make up violations I’ve never committed,” she continued.

In June, it was revealed that there were conversations on Twitter’s internal slack chat about banning the account.

As Gateway previously reported, during the chat, employees are seen celebrating their successful removal of former President Trump from the platform as they consider the impact of removing LibsofTikTok.

The employees accused Raichik of “inciting violence” against “marginalized” people.

For the most part, the account simply reposts TikTok videos that liberals posted themselves.

Raichik was suspended earlier this month for “hateful conduct” after she posted a phone call with Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, in which two staff members admitted that they give “gender affirming” hysterectomies to children under 16 years old.

During the call, she is repeatedly told that not only will they perform the procedure on a 16-year-old, they also said that they have performed them on children who are “much younger.”

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