Maricopa County GOP Censures Legislative District 3 Chair, Calls for New Election TODAY After Investigation Shows Election Violations – District Chair Desperately Tries To Stop Revote With Lawsuit

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Arizona’s Legislative District 3 (LD3) GOP Chairwoman Candance Czarny filed a lawsuit today against the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC), requesting a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent a new election of officers administered by the MCRC.

On Tuesday, March 28, a motion introduced by Czarny to file an injunction against the MCRC to stop the election was passed 3-1 by the LD3 Executive Board. Czarny-Appointed First Vice Chair Carrie Cox, Secretary Jamie Alfred, and Czarney voted yes. LD3 Treasurer Kevin Maldonado was the only no-vote.

This comes after the LD3 assembly passed a vote of no confidence against Czarny 92-51 on February 9, and the Maricopa County Executive Guidance Committee voted earlier this month to formally censure and demand the resignation of the questionably elected Legislative District 3 chairwoman. They also voted to hold a revote following the challenged election for Legislative District 3 leadership. Issues raised by members of LD3, election whistleblowers, and the MCRC include broken chain of custody, proxy fraud, and election procedure violations.

The new election for Legislative District 3 Chair is set to be held tonight at 7 pm MST.

The Maricopa County GOP immediately faced backlash from LD3 Chairwoman Candace Czarny and Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff DeWitt, who allegedly threatened a lawsuit against the Maricopa County Republican Committee on Wednesday.

A spokesperson for DeWit denies these threats were made and told us that those saying otherwise are lying. However, members of the MCRC stand by their claims of a threat and point to the public letter where DeWit said he would meet with “legal counsel to discuss specific options.” Dewit also claims there is a “litany of reasons this MCRC call letter for a new election is an egregious violation of the rights of LD3 grassroots PCs.”

Jeff Dewitt refused to speak to The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson. His spokesperson told Conradson, “The AZGOP Chairman is not taking sides in this issue between LD3 and the MCRC.  He merely keeps reminding both sides that this issue needs to be solved accurately and in a legally sound manner.  He just wants the outcome that is desired by the PCs of LD3 and follows the rule of law.” They also noted that the lawsuit by Czarny does not involve the AZGOP as a participant.

However, numerous sources have told The Gateway Pundit that Jeff Dewitt has been unwilling to meet with members of the County GOP and LD3 Precinct Committeemen who support a revote. Yet, they say DeWit has spoken to the Legislative District 3 Chair Candace Czarny and anti-revote Precinct Committeemen about this issue.

DeWit’s team refuted this claim, stating, “Jeff has attempted to contact the MCRC on several occasions and was promised a meeting with Craig Berland upon his return from a six-week international trip. However, the MCRC moved to remove the LD3 Chairman without meeting with Jeff just days before Craig’s return.”

Regarding the legality of the MCRC’s decision to hold a revote, DeWit’s spokesperson provided an “independent legal analysis” by LD 3 PC and attorney Roger Strassburg.

They continued, “This is an issue between MCRC and LD3 PCs, and the AZGOP has provided guidance on how this can be resolved legally, acting as an arbitrator and not taking sides in this matter.”

Still, DeWit, in a recent letter, accused the Maricopa County GOP of going “rogue and blindsid[ing] everyone by circumventing all the great work people were doing to resolve this issue in a congenial manner.”

DeWit also stated, “I am on neither side of this, I am solely focused on the will of the PCs in LD3 and the rule of law.” Nonetheless, DeWit appears to show support for Czarny stating, “Should they still conduct this illegitimate meeting, please be advised that the AZGOP will not recognize a change in leadership unless it is done according to the law, which is impossible at this point based on the steps taken by the MCRC.”

In March 30th response to DeWit’s letter, the MCRC published a timeline of events stating in part, “The LD3 election rules were violated during the Organizational meeting held on December 1, 2022, and the MCRC recommends a Special Meeting be called for the body to re-vote, and in consistency with the recommendation and subsequent re-vote resulting from the LD11 election challenge and investigation (both officers and state committeemen).”

The response continues, “The MCRC holds firm with its decision to provide relief to the LD3 body and grant them a new election on March 30th, 2023 based on a lawful and timely challenge, findings of election violations, allegations of fraud and the authority of the MCRC under both Arizona Revised Statutes and multiple bylaws. We pray that granting remedy will re-establish faith in the election process of LD3 and a rightfully elected leadership.”

Maricopa County First Vice Chair Shelby Busch told The Gateway Pundit, “it’s all about election integrity.”

In the resolution to censure Czarny and the response to Jeff DeWit, she is accused of “multiple Bylaw violations” and a “refusal to cooperate with an audit and canvas of the LD3 December 1, 2022 Election.” Czarny has now resorted to lawfare in an attempt to stop the Maricopa County Republican Committee from holding a new election.

This is much like what Katie Hobbs did after stealing the 2022 Gubernatorial Election. Remember, Katie Hobbs campaigned from the basement, refused to debate Kari Lake, was down by double digits in the polls, and threatened elections officials who questioned her “victory” with lawfare and felony charges, despite the numerous questions surrounding her election.

Candace Czarny sent out the following email, announcing her injunction against the MAGA-aligned and election integrity supporting Maricopa County Republican Committee and Chairman Craig Berland and thanking the AZGOP for their support.

It appears to many Maricopa County Republicans and LD3 Precinct Committeemen that LD3 leadership and the AZGOP are colluding to declare war on the Maricopa County GOP.




First and foremost, I want to extend my sincere gratitude to AZGOP for their letter and support to the body of LD3.

LD3 has sent the legal opinion written by attorney Roger Strassburg to the MCRC Exec Board in hopes of finding a resolution to these issues in our LD.

In spite of all our efforts to communicate our concerns with MCRC, they have failed to cease their actions against LD3.

Because of MCRC’s actions, I Candace Czarny, your LD3 Chair, have filed a complaint with the AZ court seeking injunctive relief to prevent usurpation of legitimate lawful organized LD3‘s rights and powers and enjoin MCRC from holding any organization meeting until the court finds a resolution.

Attendance at the March 30th meeting and any purported business transacted is null and void.

The AZGOP letter states:

“Should they still conduct this illegitimate meeting, please be advised that the AZGOP will not recognize a change in leadership unless it is done according to the law, which is impossible at this point based on the steps taken by the MCRC.”

Please have patience while we continue to resolve these issues. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


We will see you all at the next LD3 District meeting on April 13th!

The full injunction can be read below:

LD3 v. MCRC by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

The MCRC will continue with the revote as planned. Here is the official call letter:

Read the motions to hold a new election censure Czarny below:

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, The Maricopa County EGC (LD Chairs and Board Members) voted 19 Yes and 7 No (2 Abstained) for LD3 to have a new election of officers administered by the MCRC.

The approved motion stated that the:

“MCRC conduct a new election for LD3 administered by the MCRC including credentialing, tally, and all other functions at a date and location of MCRC’s choosing.”

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, The Maricopa County EGC formally censured LD3 Chair Candace Czarny and demanded her resignation over multiple Bylaw violations as well as her refusal to cooperate with an audit and canvas of the LD3 December 1, 2022 Election. The full text can be found below:

Whereas on Thursday February 9, 2023, the Maricopa County Chair delivered to Candace Czarny through the First Vice-Chair a letter stating that Ballots, Credentials, and Proxy documents from the Legislative District 3 December 1, 2022 election be turned over to the custody of the County to perform an audit and canvas. This request was refused and the documents have not been turned over.

Whereas on Thursday February 9, 2023, the Maricopa County First Vice-Chair and a Maricopa County Member-at-Large acting as the Maricopa County Chairman’s representatives were expelled from the LD3 meeting chamber on Candace Czarny’s sole authority.

Whereas the above two items violate The MCRC Bylaws ARTICLE II – MEMBERS, Section 4 – District Chairman #3 which states: “Cooperate with the MCRC Chairman” AND the LD3 Bylaws ARTICLE IV – ELECTED OFFICERS, Section 3. District Chairman #6 “Cooperating with the Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairman…”.

Whereas on Thursday February 9, 2023 Candace violated the LD3 Bylaws which state in ARTICLE IV – ELECTED OFFICERS, Section 3. District Chairman #4 “Presiding at all meetings of the District & Board unless he/she designates another member of the Board to preside in his/her stead.” Candace instead designated an outside, non-member of LD3 to preside over the meeting in clear violation.

Whereas Candance Czarny has also violated LD3 Bylaws ARTICLE IV – ELECTED OFFICERS, Section 3. District Chairman:

8. Having usual powers of supervision and management customary to the Office of Chairman or as may be assigned by the Board and implementing policies for the efficient and responsible operation of the District, subject to approval by the Board.

9. In cooperation with the District Treasurer, preparing a budget for the calendar year and submit such budget to the Board for adoption, be an authorized signer on District checks, and have final approval on all District expenditures.

10. Furnishing a monthly-itemized statement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses required in the performance of duties as Chairman, as set forth in the annual budget. Any expense more than the amount budgeted shall be subject to the approval of the Board.

Whereas Candance Czarny has also violated MCRC Bylaws ARTICLE II – MEMBERS, Section 2 – PCs, E. Duties of PC #9
“Fostering loyalty to the Republican Party and promote its ideals.” On Thursday January 12, 2023 on her sole authority, Candace Czarny instated rule #6 “Since Reformed Living Bible Church is on school property, firearms are not permitted.” This rule is a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment and expressly against the Republican Platform and its ideals.

Whereas LD3 Bylaws ARTICLE VI – MEETINGS & QUORUM Section 8. states “Every meeting of the District shall begin with an invocation and a pledge of allegiance.” An unusual Agenda was created by Candace Czarny for the Thursday, February 9, 2023 meeting where the Program and Guest Speakers were placed after Credentialling and before the Call to Order. An attempt to skip the invocation and pledge of allegiance occurred; until the PCs insisted; with the body reciting the pledge of allegiance and finally compelling a presider to give an invocation.

Whereas Legislative District 3 voted on Thursday, February, 9, 2023 in a Vote of No Confidence in Candace Czarny and Demanding her Immediate Resignation passing by majority with 92 Yes and 51 No votes.

Whereas In the MCRC Bylaws ARTICLE I – OBJECT, Section 2 – Authority states “The EGC has the authority to rule on any question brought before it from a MCRC member concerning the interpretation of county or legislative district bylaws.”

Therefore, the Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Guidance Committee formally censures Candace Czarny and demands her immediate resignation as Legislative District 3 Chair.

This is a developing story.

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson will attend tonight’s meeting to provide updates on the election.

Credit: Source link


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