MUST SEE: Italians Light Up The Sky With EPIC Storm of Fireworks In Defiance of Mayor’s Ban

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Fed-up residents of Naples, Italy joined together to form an epic display of civil disobedience to celebrate the turning of the New Year when they simultaneously began firing off what looked like thousands of fireworks in direct defiance of the Mayor’s ban on the New Years eve staple.

The colorful explosions lit up the night sky for as far as can be seen in the video. The onslaught of fireworks continues lighting up the entire sky for over 2 minutes before the allotted time in the video ends. They even appear to continue after the recording stops.

The video has already amassed over 1.7 million views on Twitter after it was posted just a few hours ago.


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What a way to ring in the New Year while still giving the finger to the Covid tyrants.

The fireworks ban has been in place for the past two holiday seasons since China unleashed Covid on the world.

Italians, like many other citizens in the EU, have been subject to some of the harshest, most dystopian Covid restrictions throughout the pandemic. From crippling lockdowns to, vaccine passports, the country has implemented all of the most extreme measures in a futile effort to ‘flatten the virus.’

Outraged citizens have been protesting in the streets by the thousands for months, and with the prospect of renewed, potentially more strict measures being put in place because of the omicron variant, the number of people rising up against this tyranny has only grown larger.

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Although it may be small, the gesture sends a strong message. The people of Italy are not backing down, they are rising up with the rest of the worldwide resistance. This tyranny will not continue much longer.


Credit: Source link


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