NeverTrumpers Are Trying to Cheat Pro-Trump Candidates in Michigan — RINOs Are Working to Steal Victory Away from Kristina Karamo and Matt DePerno

karamo deperno
karamo deperno

Grassroots favorite Kristina Karamo speaks at the recent Trump rally in Michigan.

On April 2nd, a historic wave of pro-Trump candidates won at the Michigan nominating convention. The Michigan Republican Party delegates nominated Kristina Karamo for Secretary of State and Matt DePerno for Attorney General.

Both were Trump-endorsed, and both were loudly talking about the obvious 2020 voter fraud.

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Now both are being blackballed by the NeverTrump Michigan establishment. Kristina Karamo has called every elected Republican and virtually none of them will even call her back. For Matt DePerno, it’s even worse.

Fellow Republicans Michigan Senate Majority Leader-presumptive Aric Nesbitt won’t return his calls, neither will Michigan House Speaker Jason Wentworth.

When moderates win, conservatives are expected to ‘unify’ behind their candidates. When Trump conservatives win, the moderates cheat!

Even though NeverTrumper Tom Leonard couldn’t muster a majority at convention, he is allegedly working behind the scenes to remove Patriot Matt DePerno from the ballot by trying to have DePerno disbarred as an attorney on frivolous charges. The grievance commission is appointed by former Attorney General and NeverTrumper Bill Schuette, headed by Mike Goetz. It’s expected to steal DePerno’s law license.

Even though Matt DePerno won a fair race for Attorney General, the Michigan deep state is busy working to steal away the victory.

The DeVos tribe, openly disloyal to Trump and his candidates, have pledged to fund only candidates who are their brand of conservative. They refuse to support any candidates running on election integrity, and refuse to support anyone calling for a forensic audit. They especially pledge to punish any candidate with a Trump endorsement.

The DeVos tribe funds a wide variety of fake conservative NeverTrump groups, including Freedom Fund, the Great Lakes Education Project, and recently they have taken over Americans for Prosperity’s Michigan chapter. They steer their endorsements and campaign work away from any Trump-aligned candidates.

The PAC organizing against Trump and Trump candidates involves DeVos-aligned Kim Jorns. Jorns is employed by the Republican National Committee, and some have expressed concern that she is opposing Trump and steering party donors away from Trump candidates. Jorns also works for corrupt Bobby Schostak’s consulting company Templar Baker.

RNC field staff going to be pulled by Ronna Romney McDaniel. Ronna’s deputy Max Docksey said to a room full of field staff that Ronna was furious when Karamo and DePerno won, and said that’s it we’re just going to help establishment favorites Tom Barrett and John James.

“Those are their pretty bois,” said one senior Republican with knowledge of the underlying events. “The only shiny object the establishment has left is Tom Barrett and John James. The establishment is holding their breath for the next round of Trump endorsements because that’s the only thing that can upset their evil plans.”

Ronna Romney McDaniel lives in Michigan and hasn’t said one public statement about Karamo and DePerno.

The moderates who refused to perform any election security prior to the 2020 election, who left the voter fraud at the Detroit TCF Center up to volunteers to coordinate, who buried information collected during that period including hiding hundreds of affidavits from voter fraud witnesses, now want to take control from the masses they so clearly despise.

One moderate former Michigan Republican Party Chair, Bobby Schostak, even recently demanded control of the Party back from state Chairman Ron Weiser. Schostak was complaining about pro-Trump Republican Party Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock. When Weiser refused his demands, Schostak made his real agenda clear: he asked if he could merely have all the printing, mailing, and other vendor services contracts with the party so that he could personally profit.

Meshawn Maddock’s husband, Trump-endorsed candidate for Speaker of the House Matt Maddock, was kicked out of the Republican caucus by DeVos-aligned Lansing powers.

The NeverTrump league of morons is shameless with its agenda of personally profiting at the expense of the Republican voters they screw over.

Trump has endorsed 2 State Senate challengers and 9 State Representatives so far in Michigan, taking a special interest in “picking a new legislature” as he put it in one of his endorsement announcements.

Many candidates who have not yet been endorsed, are running as Trump conservatives and report that the Republican voter base, as well as many independents, are still red-hot passionate about fighting voter fraud. The release this month of 2,000 Mules will help amplify that in voter’s minds this summer.

The battle for the future of Michigan, a key battleground state for 2024, will occur again in 82 days on August 2nd when the next slate of Trump candidates, and NeverTrump opponents, either win or lose their primary elections.

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