New Poll Finds Trump Leading Biden in Most Swing States and on Top Issues | The Gateway Pundit

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A new poll from Morning Consult/Bloomberg has found that Trump is leading Joe Biden in most of the swing states and on the issues that matter most to voters.

This is the third poll in recent weeks to show a surge of support for Trump.

People have become wary of polls in recent years and for good reasons, but this is at least a sign of things trending in Trump’s direction.

Breitbart News reports:

Poll: Voters Trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden on 10 Key Issues

Voters trust former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden on ten key issues heading into the 2024 election cycle, a Morning-Consult/Bloomberg poll found Friday.

The polling suggests Biden’s leadership on major policy issues failed to resonate with voters, which could negatively impact his reelection hopes.

Trump leads Biden among ten top issues:

1. Economy. Trump 50 percent, Biden 34 percent
2. Infrastructure: Trump 42 percent, Biden 39 percent
3. Housing: Trump 39 percent, Biden 38 percent
4. Crime: Trump 45 percent, Biden 33 percent
5. Immigration: Trump 50 percent, Biden 33 percent
6. U.S.-China Relations: Trump 46 percent, Biden 34 percent
7. Guns: Trump 42 percent, Biden 36 percent
8. Labor and Unions: Trump 40 percent, Biden 39 percent
9. Russia-Ukraine War: Trump 45 percent, Biden 34 percent
10. Israel-Hamas War: Trump 43 percent, Biden 33 percent

See more details below:

The election is still a long way off, but this is a good sign.

Credit: Source link


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