New Survey Finds Political Polarization Is Eroding Public’s Trust In The Military

Mark Milley 2
Mark Milley 2

Over the last few years, the U.S. Military has been politicized by the left.

This is having the unfortunate effect of eroding the public’s trust in the institution.

Just in the last two years, the military has been struggling to meet recruitment goals and this is one of the main reasons why that is happening.

The Washington Examiner reports:

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Political polarization saps confidence in US military, survey says

American confidence in the armed services has dropped sharply over the last five years, and a new study from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute said political polarization in the military is a top contributing factor.

The Reagan National Defense Survey, which was released this week, found that 48% of respondents said they had a great deal of trust and confidence in the military. That’s up slightly from 45% last year but a significant decrease from the 70% of people who answered that way in 2018.

This year’s survey was the first time the group asked respondents why they lacked confidence in the military. Three of the eight options were on the military’s different types of leadership. The most common response was military leadership becoming overly politicized, with 62% of respondents picking it. Over half also palmed the performance and competence of the president, the military’s civilian leadership, uniformed military officers, and the military’s ability to win a potential future war.

There was a strong partisan divide within some of the choices respondents identified as their reason for their lack of confidence in the military. Fifty percent of respondents said the “so-called ‘woke’ practices,” though “there is a sizable partisan disparity on this, with far more Republicans that Democrats blaming ‘wokeness,’” according to the summary of the survey.

This was recently discussed on FOX News. Watch the segment below:

This is a sad development, but there is still time to change it.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Credit: Source link


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