Only 29 Percent Support Sending US Troops to Eastern Europe in Ukraine Crisis; 76 Percent Reject Pledge to Only Consider Black Woman for Supreme Court

Biden Stephanopoulos ABC Ipsos Poll Screen Image 01302022 e1643559827781
Biden Stephanopoulos ABC Ipsos Poll Screen Image 01302022 e1643559827781

An ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday shows Joe Biden has lost support of the American people, including losing a majority of Democrats, on key issues facing the country, most notably rejecting Biden’s pledge to only consider a Black woman for the Supreme Court and Biden sending U.S. troops to Eastern Europe in the Ukraine-Russia crisis. The poll also delivered crushing news for Biden on his handling of the economy with only one percent believing the economy is “excellent” and just 23 percent say the economy is “good”.

George Stephanopoulos reported the bad news for Biden on ABC’s This Week (via Media Research Center):

The poll shows Biden does not have majority support from Democrats for deploying troops to Eastern Europe, his position on only considering a Black woman to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer or on his handling of the economy.

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Ipsos headlined their report on the poll: President Biden continues to lose ground with the American public on a range of issues (excerpts):

Americans overwhelmingly believe Joe Biden should “consider all possible nominees” (76%) rather than “consider only nominees who are Black women, as he has pledged to do” (23%). Partisanship drives major differences in attitudes about the next Supreme Court pick, with virtually all Republicans saying “consider all” (95%) compared to only half of Democrats (54%).

…When asked if they would support or oppose “sending U.S. troops into Eastern Europe to try to discourage a Russian invasion of Ukraine”, Americans are split evenly between support (29%), opposition (38%), and indecision (32% don’t know). Democrats are slightly more supportive of U.S. engagement with Ukraine (41% support, 29% oppose) while Republicans are more in opposition (28% support, 46% oppose).

…Only one in four Americans (25%) would describe the nation’s economy as excellent or good. The large majority of Americans (75%) describe the economy as not so good (47%) or poor (28%). Partisanship drives some of the assessment with Democrats split (46% good, 53% not good) vs Republicans very critical (7% good vs 93% not good).

Biden does not have over 50 percent approval on any of the issues polled. He stands at 50 percent approval on his handling of the pandemic and infrastructure. Approval on other issues: Immigration, 34 percent; economic recovery, 42 percent; gun violence, 29 percent; crime, 34 percent; climate change, 47 percent; Ukraine-Russia, 41 percent; inflation, 29 percent.

In addition to asking about Biden’s pledge to only consider Black women for the Supreme Court, the poll asked, “Do you think that U.S. Supreme Court justices rule mainly on the basis of the law or mainly on the basis of their partisan political views?”

38 percent said the justices rule mainly on the basis of law, 43 percent said partisan political views and 18 percent did not know.

Link to the topline poll results and methodology.

“This ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted using Ipsos Public Affairs’ KnowledgePanel® January 28-29, 2022, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 510 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 4.9 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 27-26-37%, Democrats-Republicans-independents.”

Credit: Source link


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