Optical illusion reveals ‘exactly what you need in a relationship’

optical illusion reveals what kind of lover you are 01
optical illusion reveals what kind of lover you are 01

Love at first sight?

A new optical illusion allegedly determines exactly what people need in a relationship based on which image they see first.

“Take the Secret Relationship Needs Quiz to find out exactly what you need in a relationship to feel more connected to your romantic partner,” reads the description for the visual relationship quiz, published recently in “The Minds Journal.”

The teaser is unique in that it’s allegedly based on subconscious romantic desires that don’t fall under the umbrella of love, reliability and other standard relationship needs often touted on dating sites.

The authors insist that the optical illusion “will not only help you understand yourself better but get some clarity about exactly what you crave from your loving partner.”

To gauge the purported gaps in their love life, viewers are invited to look at the accompanying pastoral portrait of a baptism and see what image initially catches their eye. Which do you see first?

A man’s face

This optical illusion allegedly determines exactly what people need in a relationship based on which image they see first.

Ironically, they’re not taken at face value. If the viewer first saw the face of man — with the baby as the mouth, the priest as the nose and twin onlookers as the eyes — they reportedly yearn to feel understood.

“You only show a version of yourself that they can relate to and feel comfortable with,” the site declares. “This helps you make people like you more and easily.”

On the surface, this may seem “fake” or shallow, but it “simply means you are cautious about how you present yourself to people and how they perceive you,” per the site.

Unfortunately, this masquerade may make it difficult for people to get to know the real person behind the veil, therefore, they need to tear down the wall and open themselves up to partners.

The person in the coat

The man in the gray coat represents depression, per the quiz.
The man in the gray coat represents depression, per the quiz.

Did you initially spot the shadow-shrouded person in a gray coat on the right? That’s because you “feel a deep-rooted sadness inside your heart,” per the quiz.

“You have a clear understanding of the reality of life and realize that the balance between happiness and sadness is crucial for a meaningful existence,” reads the site. “You know what begins will come to an end, just like everything in life, and this enables you to appreciate even the little things in life.”

This might make the viewer seem pretentiously emo, however, it simply means they need “complete acceptance” from their soulmate — something they’ve yet to find. Part of the problem is that these Sisyphean nihilists too often run into partners who try and fix, rather than embrace, their melancholic outlook.

“You need someone who can value and appreciate your deep understanding of life and death and see the real beauty in your sad personality,” reads the site.

The baby on the table

Are you a romantic babe in the woods?
Are you a romantic babe in the woods?

Participants who first glimpsed the baby on the table want to be — wait for it — nurtured and cared for. These emotional infants “feel helpless in relationships and life,” and believe things may go south at any time.

Symptoms of a tot-spotter include being anxious and depressed to the point of sleep deprivation and even crying once a week.

Despite their infantile demeanor, these romantic damsels in distress don’t need a babysitter, but rather a caring paramour who will understand their emotional needs and make them feel safe and secure.

“You want someone who will always stand by your side and make life feel less burdensome,” describes the site. 

The man with the book

The priest is symbolic of those seeking spirituality in their soulmate.
The priest is symbolic of those seeking spirituality in their soulmate.

Those who noticed the priest with the book crave deeper meaning in life. They might not be religious, but they believe in a high power or existence beyond the mortal plane.

Therefore they desire a spiritual connection with a partner, who may not necessarily be spiritual themselves, but who boasts the same passion for belief. To put it plainly, they don’t want someone who rolls their eyes when they bust out the moon rock chakras and disclose their zodiac sign.

Attendants in white

Those who initially glimpsed the twins in white are reportedly self-assured masters of the universe.
Those who initially glimpsed the twins in white are reportedly self-assured masters of the universe.

The opposite of the baby on the table, the attendants in white represent a so-called master of the universe who believes that life would be a lot easier if everyone just followed their lead.

And while they might seem like a Lex Luthor-esque megalomaniac, the truth “is most of the time you are right about your observations, perceptions, judgments, thoughts, beliefs and emotions,” per the site.

“You are probably the smartest person around in any given situation and you know how things should go,” reads the site.

Therefore this partner needs an intellectual equal who challenges them.

Or as the site puts it, “you want to be in a relationship where both you and your partner can support and challenge each other to grow in the long run.”

This romantic eye exam isn’t the first optical illusion to blow up of late.

On Tuesday, the internet blew a collective gasket over a perplexing optical illusion that can purportedly only be solved by 1% of people.

The day prior, puzzle buffs racked their brains trying to solve a mind-boggling butterfly visual, which can reveal interesting facts about your brain depending on what you see first.

Meanwhile, another viral optical illusion can purportedly gauge someone’s personality and life goals.

Perhaps the most epic puzzle was a shadowy image that revealed whether the viewer had a male or female brain like a neurological gender-reveal party.

Credit: Source link


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