Pelosi Declines to Say Whether Joe Biden Should Run Again in 2024 (VIDEO)

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday declined to say whether Joe Biden should run for president again in 2024.

81 million vote getter Joe Biden is so popular that Nancy Pelosi won’t even say she wants him to run again.

If Biden is even alive in 2024.

A reporter asked Pelosi whether Joe Biden should run again in 2024 during the Speaker’s weekly briefing.

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Pelosi distanced herself from Biden.

“President Biden is the president of the United States. He did a great service to our country. He defeated Donald Trump. Let’s not forget that,” Pelosi said.

She continued, “I’m not going into politics about whether the president should run or not.”


Many Democrat lawmakers have refused to say whether Joe Biden should run again in 2024.

Democrats are distancing themselves from Joe Biden because his administration is a dumpster fire.

  • Record high inflation
  • Soaring gas prices
  • Disastrous and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal
  • 4.4 million illegal aliens crossing the border since Biden was sworn into office
  • Covid vaccine mandates
  • Inflation outpacing wages
  • US is in a recession with 2 quarters of back-to-back negative GDP growth (going on three quarters)

Credit: Source link


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