Phony “Republican” Alex Stovall Exposed, DISINVITED From TPUSA America Fest, Condemned By GOP

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Project Veritas has exposed U.S. House Candidate Alex Stovall from Arizona on Wednesday.

The Gateway Pundit reported that TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson gave Project Veritas a tip on Alex Stovall, which led to Stovall giving an insider the truth about his campaign.

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Stovall said, “The Republican Party is disgusting to me. The stuff that they’re doing should be criminal and they should all be thrown in prisons.”, yet he claims to be a Republican. He also said “The McCarthy’s The Cawthorn’s, The whole audit bull crap thing that they’re doing. I listen to what my counsel tells me and when they say go get an endorsement from somebody I say all right, cool.”

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He sought an endorsement from Rep. Cawthorn while at the same time, wishing him a prison sentence. What a POS.

These private statements and others he made about President Trump and Election integrity directly contradict the public statements that he campaigns and fundraises on.

As a result of this damning revelation, Turning Point Action Director Austin Smith has revoked Stovall’s VIP pass to Turning Point’s America Fest.

TPUSA President Charlie Kirk warned voters not to get fooled by “Frauds like Alex Stovall.”

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward also released a statement on this dork’s behavior.

“What’s in dark comes to light”, said stovall once on a podcast appearance. Project Veritas shined the light on him.

Alex Stovall went private on social media but his followers shared his latest Tweet with The Gateway Pundit.

He claims that tomrrow he will be doing his own exposé on Kelli Ward and Candace Owens.


We will see what he has in store for us.

No exposé is going to save him now. 

Credit: Source link


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