POLL: More Than Half of Democrats Say Their Lives Will Never Return to Pre-Pandemic Normal

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A new poll has found that more than half of Democrats don’t expect their lives to ever return to a state of pre-COVID normal.

One of the fascinating things about the COVID pandemic was how it broke down along partisan lines. You could almost tell how a person voted by how they handled the pandemic.

Democrats not only were much more cautious and likely to wear a mask, but in some cases it seemed like they never wanted it to end.

Townhall reports:

More Than Half of Democrats Say Their Lives Will Never Return to Pre-Covid ‘Normal’

It’s not difficult to find individuals who haven’t returned to pre-COVID normal roaming in our midst. People still wear face masks on planes and public transit — and sometimes while driving alone in their cars. The ultra-boosted crowd still posts selfies while getting their umpteenth jab. Others still insist that it’s “unsafe” to attend large events…

Gallup’s survey found that, overall, one-third of Americans said their lives are “completely back to normal” while 20 percent said things aren’t yet normal but will be and 47 percent said things are “not back to normal” and “will not return” to normal.

Gallup emphasized in its report that, despite waning pandemic mandates and restrictions, those “who don’t foresee a return to normalcy may be getting used to a ‘new normal’ that, for some, means occasional mask use, regular COVID-19 vaccines and avoidance of some situations that may put them at greater risk of infection, particularly at times when COVID-19 infections are spiking.” No thanks?

The pollster also noted that the “issue remains politically charged, with Republicans more likely to report a return to normal, while Democrats are more likely to say their lives will never be the same again.”

Broken down by party affiliation, a whopping 53 percent of Democrats say life is “not back to normal” and never will be. Forty-nine percent of independents say the same, but just 33 percent of Republicans think the normalcy ship has sailed.

What a miserable way to live and look at the world.

Most Americans want freedom. The last three years have seriously gotten in the way of that.

Credit: Source link


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