Prepare to make money and hit the jackpot when Mercury enters Taurus

mercury in taurus predictions
mercury in taurus predictions

Let’s get rich!

Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet of the mind, business and connection will stampede into the luscious gardens of Taurus from April 10 until April 29, 2022.

However, get ready for another Mercury retrograde, because the planet will backtrack into Taurus from May 22 until June 3, too. Luckily, he will awaken then to move forward once again in this zodiac sign until June 13.

Prepare to focus on how you can build your wealth, business and possessions in the weeks to come! Read how your zodiac sign will be affected here! For more information on Mercury in Taurus, check out the information after the horoscopes. Follow me for daily insight or read 2022 predictions for your zodiac sign or your 2022 love life and relationship horoscopes now!


It’s time to assess your budget, Aries. Pull up your bank accounts and comb through them to make sure you’re aware of everything coming in and going out. Your mind will be especially focused on your finances, helping you to take the leap to make more. Consider side-hustles or further ways to monetize!


Get ready for a burst of mental energy to electrify you, Taurus! As Mercury dances into your zodiac sign, you’re erupting with brilliance and genius ideas. Consider how you can use your communication skills to will your visions into a reality. Want to persuade someone of something or snatch that winning contract? Speak up! You are certain to become quite busy now, so enjoy the vibrant pace of life.


Feeling spacey, disconnected or just overall sleepy, Gemini? Mmhmm. In fact, your dream world will be popping off so intensely that you might be feeling like your sleep is wilder than your daily affairs right now! Pay attention to consistent patterns, your intuition or synchronicities that pop up—you’re downloading info from the universe that will help you later on down the road.

Mercury in Taurus will keep you focused and alert.
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It’s time to cut loose and have some fun, Cancer! A whole surge of energy will be spicing up your social life and making your friends eager to catch up, go out and mingle. Take a breather from all the work and home responsibilities and set up a happy hour—or even just a chat over ZOOM with some pals. Networking—both personally and professionally—will go well for you at this time.


It’s time to let the world hear you roar, Leo! Your ambitions will be firing off and be drawing a significant amount of your attention. An award, media opportunity, promotion or chance to speak up to authority figures may now appear. People will be quite impressed with your ideas and career momentum, so don’t let the energy of success pass you by.


Open your mind to whole new visions of life and the world, Virgo! As your planetary ruler races through your sector of expansion, you could be eager to think outside of the box. Media projects, academic endeavors or travel could consume your attention—all of which would push you to express yourself and move in a fresh direction. Have important legalities to tackle? Mhmm, do so now.


Are you being truly fulfilled in all ways that you need from your partner, Libra? Get ready to face the music. Discussions around sharing, vulnerability, intimacy and assets could all be rearing their head. On one hand, you can make progress and speak up if something has been irking you, but just make sure to not be too stubborn in the end. Investments, scholarships, inheritances or financial support could also be consuming your mind.

Mercury in Taurus predictions
Plan ahead for the long-term with Mercury in Taurus.
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Teamwork, collaboration and partnership are at the top of your mind, Scorpio! Luckily, as Mercury spins across the sky from you, it shows that you’re going to have a much easier time finding agreement no matter what. Negotiations and contracts may present themselves now, and if you sit down and focus on balance, you could very well see eye-to-eye.


Employment contracts and job-related communication endeavors will certainly be a top priority now and in the weeks ahead. As you work with coworkers or people that report to you, it’s especially important to streamline your plans in the most efficient and productive way. If out of work, dust off your LinkedIn and get applying!

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars


Let the muses dance within your heart and mind, Capricorn! The weeks ahead will bring you a flurry of creative ideas and a desire to step up and express yourself. If you are involved in an artistic or design field, you could find that you manifest some of your most brilliant work! Another way this could affect you is by instead turning your attention to romance, hobbies, recreation, fertility or your children. TBH: let your hair down and have a bit of fun.


Domestic, real estate and family matters will be a top priority for you now, Aquarius. In fact, you could be moving, renovating or dealing with the fine details and paperwork around one of these matters! However, this could instead make you focus on several family situations that need your attention and critical thinking skills, instead. You’ve got this!

Mercury in Taurus astrology
Don’t get stuck in your opinions. Mercury in Taurus could make you a bit stubborn!
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You’re a wordsmith, Pisces! With Mercury spicing up your sector of communication, it’s guaranteed that you’re handling a milestone writing or speaking project, travelling or assessing a contractual matter. Luckily, you will be more confident in your ideas, vision and what you want—so enjoy the strong sense of clarity and judgment.

How will Mercury in Taurus affect us?

Think practically and for the long-term! Mercury, the planet of ideas, communication and the mind, will plod along into the zodiac sign of the bull: Taurus. Get ready to feel more grounded, balanced and focused on manifestation.

With Mercury in Taurus, our mental capacity is more grounded, focused and down-to-earth. This energy helps us to turn our passions and desires into real-world results. We can focus on building plans that hold longevity, infused with common sense and good judgment. Mapping out our goals will come easier now—especially around financial and business matters. However, as Taurus is an Earth-sign, decision-making may happen more slowly and methodically, rather than impulsively.

A shadow side of this energy is stubbornness, so do your best to be open to other people’s perspectives and not drive your hooves into the ground! Now is an excellent period to focus on realistic plans, motivations, attitudes and goals—rather than being sucked up into daydreams or fantasies. Honing in on facts will help us to stick to our decisions and make them happen. Fairness, honesty and integrity will also be especially important to us now.

One last thing to note about Mercury in Taurus is that it will ignite our senses! We will communicate from a more sensual perspective: how we see it, how we feel it, how it tastes, how it sounds, and how it smells. This is because Venus, the ruler of Taurus, will bring her flavor to our minds, words and interactions. Enjoy the sweeter and finer details of life, while also taking some time to relax and enjoy the moment!

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit

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