Raid on Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark Was Part of Nationwide FBI Raids on Republicans (Clark on Tucker Carlson: Video)

Jeffrey Clark Tucker Carlson Tonight Fox News Screen Image 06232022 e1656041646840
Jeffrey Clark Tucker Carlson Tonight Fox News Screen Image 06232022 e1656041646840

Former Trump Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on the Fox News Channel Thursday night to talk about the dawn FBI raid on his Northern Virginia home Wednesday. Clark said the agents made him go outside in his pajamas while they searched his house. Clark said twelve FBI agents, two Fairfax County police officers and an ‘electronic sniffer dog’ searched his house for over three hours. All his electronic devices were seized.

Clark said the raid was part of nationwide “Stasi-like” raids by the FBI on Republicans involved in helping President Trump to stop the steal of the 2020 presidential election.

Local news reports out of Nevada and Pennsylvania as well as the Washington Post, confirm the nationwide action by the feds.

Mediaite reported on the Clark’s appearance (excerpt):

TRENDING: BREAKING: Senate Votes 65-33 to Approve Gun Control Legislation and Red Flag Laws – Here are the 15 Republicans Including Mitch McConnell Who Caved and Voted with Democrats

“At what point can we say the Department of Justice, where you once served, is a political instrument, it’s completely out of control?” Carlson asked.

“Yeah, I think this is highly politicized and it’s also part, Tucker if you didn’t know it, of a nationwide effort yesterday,” Clark replied. “There were multiple states where multiple people were roughly simultaneously raided for their electronic devices. And that obviously requires a high level of coordination.”

Clark added, “I just think we’re living in an era that I don’t recognize and increasingly, Tucker, I don’t recognize the country anymore with these Stasi-like things happening.”

Video of Clark on Tucker Carlson Tonight:

KLAS-TV reported on FBI raids in Nevada (excerpt):

FBI agents served a search warrant Wednesday on Nevada’s top GOP official, sources told the 8 News Now I-Team’s George Knapp.

Agents seized the cell phone of state Republican chairman Michael McDonald, reportedly as part of an investigation into the fake elector scheme initiated at the end of the 2020 presidential election.

A second search warrant was issued for state party secretary James DeGraffenreid, who also signed the document, but FBI agents could not locate him Wednesday, sources told Knapp.

In December 2020, the 8 News Now I-Team reported the Nevada Republican Party’s six electors signed paperwork signaling their support for former President Donald Trump in a symbolic ceremony devoid of any legal merit, which was held in Carson City and coincided with the official state-sanctioned tally on Dec. 14, 2020.

KLAS reported Thursday, “ELECTION INVESTIGATION: FBI agents are tracking down all six of the Nevada GOP’s electors as part of a federal investigation, sources tell the 8 News Now I-Team #8NN”

The Washington Post reported on more raids (excerpt):

The Justice Department’s investigation of the Jan. 6 attack ratcheted up Wednesday as federal agents dropped subpoenas on people in at least two states, in what appeared to be a widening probe of how political activists supporting President Donald Trump tried to use invalid electors to thwart Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory.

FBI officials confirmed to The Washington Post that agents conducted court authorized law enforcement activity Wednesday morning at two locations — one the address of Brad Carver, a Georgia lawyer who allegedly signed a document claiming to be a Trump elector, and another the Virginia home of Thomas Lane, who worked on the Trump campaign’s efforts in Arizona and New Mexico. The FBI officials did not identify the people associated with those addresses, but public records list each of the locations as the home addresses of the men.

…FBI agents delivered a subpoena to Lane Wednesday morning at his home in Virginia, according to a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. After leaving the Trump campaign, Lane has worked for the Republican National Committee’s election efforts in Virginia, this person said. Public records list an address for Lane in south Arlington, and an FBI spokeswoman confirmed agents conducted “court-authorized law enforcement activity” at that address this morning.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on yet another FBI raid (excerpt):

FBI agents interviewed the chairman of the Allegheny County Republican Party at his home early Thursday morning as part of a nationwide investigation into former President Donald Trump’s attempt to send alternate electors from key swing states to Washington to overturn the 2020 election.

Agents spent about an hour at party chairman Sam DeMarco’s Oakdale home and served him with a subpoena for communications between him, members of the Trump campaign and legal team, and Trump electors in Pennsylvania, Mr. DeMarco told the Post-Gazette on Thursday.

“I’ll certainly comply with their request,” Mr. DeMarco said. He has until July 8 to turn over emails, texts and any written correspondence, he said.

Mr. DeMarco said he didn’t have direct contact with Mr. Trump’s campaign or the legal team led by Rudy Giuliani, just with the other 19 Trump electors.

As mentioned in the Clark interview, Trump-hating, fired corrupt former FBI agent Peter Strzok commented on the raids and mocked Clark, “From Virginia to Nevada today, several coordinated subpoenas and search warrants served and executed by the FBI and DOJ surrounding fake elector scheme. Sure doesn’t feel like a “nothingburger.”…“Federal investigators descended on the home of Jeffrey Clark, a former DOJ official, on Wed in connection with the department’s sprawling inquiry into efforts to overturn the 2020 election” Increasingly large FBI/DOJ scope. Even more activity to come?

Also as mentioned in Clark’s interview, actor Sean Penn attended Thursday’s Congressional hearing by the January 6th Committee with former Capitol Police officer Michael Fanone.

UPDATE: Late Thursday night, WDIV-TV reported from Michigan (excerpt):

Federal agents have been serving subpoenas to the 16 people who signed their names as fake electors for former President Donald Trump in an attempt to give Michigan’s electoral votes to Trump instead of President Joe Biden, who won the state.

Michele Lundgren, whose name appears as one of those fake electors, says she never signed any such document.

“I didn’t even know what an elector was, let alone a fake elector,” said Lundgren. “I signed nothing but what appeared to be a sign-in sheet.”

Lundgren was invited to a Michigan GOP meeting in Lansing to help Trump.

After cake and coffee, the so-called sign-in sheet came out. Lundgren says federal agents came to her home to ask questions about the fake elector plot; she welcomed them and answered their questions.

Lundgren has been subpoenaed to appear on July 8 in Washington D.C. She said she will comply.

It is likely all of the 16 have been subpoenaed.

UPDATE: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) threatened Clark late Thursday night, “Jeffrey Clark is a reprehensible pettifogger who will be held accountable for his corrupt conduct.”

Credit: Source link


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