Reporter Asks Psaki Why Biden Regime Told Americans Fleeing to Poland to Bring Proof of Covid Vax When “Poland Doesn’t Require That” (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday was asked why the State Department told Americans fleeing Ukraine through Poland to show proof of Covid vaccination when Poland doesn’t even have the requirement in place.

The State Department over the weekend told Americans evacuating to Poland that they need to show proof of Covid vaccination.

The State Department advised Americans in Ukraine to evacuate after US Intelligence warned Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on Friday that Russian military forces are “in a position to be able to mount a major military action” and urged American citizens in Ukraine to “leave as soon as possible.”

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Americans were told in order enter Poland they need to provide a US passport and proof of Covid vaccination.

Americans were also encouraged to present a negative PCR or antigen Covid test which would facilitate entry into Poland.

“Why is the administration encouraging Americans who are fleeing through Poland to bring proof of covid-19 vaccination? As I understand it, Poland does not require that,” Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich asked Psaki.

Of course Psaki didn’t have an answer.


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