Should I lie on my resume? Join my family business?


Is it ever OK to expand the truth a little bit on a resume to get the job that you know you can do, when you don’t have all the experience that they are looking for?

“Expand the truth,” “alternative facts,” “embellish.” All of these expressions by any other name are still lying. If you didn’t do what you said you did, but you know that you can do what they say they want, there are two ways to deal with that. The first is to “expand the truth” on your resume and hope that a reference check won’t reveal the truth. The other is to tell the truth and explain why and how you are prepared to take the next step. There’s a first time for everything for everyone, so demonstrate how your current experience and skills have prepared you for the responsibilities of the role. Take a guess which option I would recommend.

I’m being pressured to work in the family business but I really hate the idea. Would I be crazy for giving up a sure thing? Should I suck it up, make good money with security, and get on with it?

Another reader wrote in this week asking about working a family business.

I’m Italian and grew up in Brooklyn so when someone says they are working in “the family business” it could mean different things, know what I’m sayin’? But let’s assume it isn’t that kind of family business and something you can more easily explain on a resume. Bear in mind that hating the thought of working at your family’s firm is different from how you might feel in reality. That said, this is your life, and although your family may want you in the business, they also want you to be happy. Careers take many twists and turns, so if you are not yet settled into a different career, perhaps try it out and see how you feel after a year working there. You may be surprised. And if not, fuhgeddaboutit. You can always leave and pursue your passion elsewhere at that time

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Weds. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. E-mail: Follow: and on Twitter: @greggiangrande

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