Spotify Drops Michelle and Barack Obama’s Podcast Deal

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Spotify will not renew its exclusive podcast partnership with Michelle and Barack Obama, according to Bloomberg.

Michelle and Barack Obama are leaving Spotify after the audio streaming giant reportedly dropped its podcast deal to the first couple. According to the Daily Mail, the couple had a clash with the streaming giant over “exclusivity and how much they were expected to appear in episodes.”

Newsmax reported:

Spotify is not renewing its podcast contract with former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama, which expires this year, Bloomberg reports.

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The Obamas’ production company, Higher Ground, is reportedly seeking a multimillion-dollar contract with Amazon’s Audible and iHeartMedia, but is having a hard time shopping the podcast.

Today, six years later, the Obamas may not be in such demand, Bloomberg reports, saying that the power couple has clashed with Spotify over their air time and lack of syndication rights.

The Obamas want to air several shows at once on multiple streaming services. In recent years, leading streaming services, such as Netflix, have sought out or produced exclusive programs with a minimum of a dozen segments. The Obamas reportedly offered Spotify a limited-edition, eight-part series.

Social media users celebrated this good news. One user said, “I always laugh at Obozo, he’s such a joke, especially that he thinks he’s still relevant. He did nothing for the black population and lied to the Nation, over & over. Spotify just cancelled him, so should we. Adios, @BarackObama, you’re a nobody, & the 2nd worst president EVER.”

Hi @Spotify I see you cancelled @BarackObama‘s podcast. I didn’t even know he had a podcast with his husband. Who has more subscribers? @joerogan or #Obama? Which is the better investment? #Capitalism or #Wokeism?

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