Sylvester Stallone’s daughters reveal dating red flags

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They have to be sly when it comes to dating.

Sylvester Stallone’s three daughters — Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet — learned how to sniff out men’s true intentions by whether or not they name-drop their famous dad on the first date.

“The giveaway is if they mention it on the first date, we’re like, ‘Okay, you’re here for the wrong reasons,’” Sistine, 25, told The Post ahead of the Season 2 premiere of “The Family Stallone,” on Feb. 21.

The middle sister, Sistine, went on a first date where the man brought boxing gloves. Paramount +

“If they’re casual then, okay, it’s not going to be an issue. But 90% of the time that’s what we get.”

Sistine, the middle sister, had some first dates filmed for the Paramount+ reality series, and one of her potential suitors brought a pair of boxing gloves and asked if she and her dad could sign them.

She’s the only one of the three currently on dating apps.

“I’ll own it, not proud of it, but I’ll own it,” she said.

The eldest, Sophia, 27, said “There is a pressure when you’re the oldest” to settle down and “hit that timeline.”

“I’m starting to realize that it’s so not important anymore. They’re on their own path as much as I am,” she said.

“I know when my timing is right. And I definitely would say if I got married five years ago, it would be a disaster and I’d be divorced at 30.”

Sophia said as the oldest, she used to feel pressure to settle down. Philippe Antonello/Paramount+

The only Stallone sister currently in a relationship is the youngest, Scarlet, 21, who is dating Louis Masquelier-Page, 21, a British native she met at college, who is featured in the series.

“I wouldn’t even let him come on the show if I didn’t know how much he meant to me because my relationship is so private and I care about it so deeply,” she gushed. “I see us lasting for a very long time.”

The trio, who grew up in Los Angeles, said the motto their father ingrained in them, “DTA,” which stands for “Don’t trust anyone,” has also helped them test romantic relationships.

“He always kind of put it with protection and protecting your heart … never give yourself fully until you can truly let someone in when they’ve shown proof that they will treasure it,” said Sophia.

The youngest, Scarlet, is dating Louis Masquelier-Page, a British native she met in college. Philippe Antonello/Paramount+

Scarlet said their dad even gifted them “jewelry that says DTA on it with a snake wrapped around the T.”

“He gave it to us when we were 14,” she said.

However, the girls’ mother, Stallone’s third wife, former model Jennifer Flavin, taught them to be less guarded.

“We trust everyone and that’s because of mom,” said Scarlet. “She’s sweet to everyone.”

Sistine, Scarlet, and Sophia Stallone sat down with The Post ahead of the Season 2 premiere of “The Family Stallone.” Brian Zak/NY Post

The sisters also said they apply their dad’s belief in astrology to dating.

“His mom was a rumpologist [reading the lines, crevices, dimples, and folds of the buttocks] so my dad was taught a lot about astrology growing up and he instilled it in us with, like, crystals and zodiacs,” said Sophia. “[But] we don’t say to a guy, ‘We’re not going out with you.’”

“That’s such a lie, we definitely do,” interrupted Sistine. “If he’s a Scorpio, ‘Oh, we gotta go.’”

Sophia waits until the third date to ask a guy about his astrological sign.

The girls and their parents, Sylvester Stallone and Jennifer Flavin, star in the reality series. Art Streiber/Paramount+

“They have to like me first before I can show that crazy side,” she said.

The sisters introduce the men they’re dating to one another first — and that determines whether or not they meet Sly and Flavin.

“Any guy that we’re dating, we show the sisters first and then the parents,” Sophia said.

“Because if we don’t accept, the parents won’t.”

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