Teacher switched screens to Spanish to teach kids new language

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Parents constantly worry about whether they’re giving their kids too much screen time.

But one teacher has come up with a brilliant way of making screen time fun and educational for her kids.

“Parenting hack from a teacher: Have all your kids’ screen time be in another language,” she wrote on a TikTok video of her kids engrossed in their devices.

“My kids only watch TV/tablets in Spanish.

“Now they both speak Spanish and my younger daughter is almost fluent.”

However, she also stressed that the parent needs to learn the language too.

“Or your kids will be telling each other secrets and you won’t understand them,” she added.

She also took to the comments section to “clarify” what she meant, writing: “Let me clarify: my kids have always been exposed to Spanish with music, etc.

“They understand what they are watching and love it!”

She was quickly praised in the comments section for the hack, with other mums offering their own suggestions.

“Also subtitles help with reading,” one wrote, to which the original poster replied: “I love that!!! Great ideas.”

“Yes! It’s better for children to learn two languages at the same time if the goal is bilingualism!” someone else added.

“And introduce another language before the age of 6!”

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission. 

Credit: Source link


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