The global reach of Alexander Dugin

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With his extravagant beard and wild rhetoric, Alexander Dugin has found it easy to attract attention. Some have even labelled the far-right philosopher “Putin’s brain” or “Rasputin”. Other commentators, however, have dismissed the idea that Dugin is taken particularly seriously in the Kremlin, pointing to the fact that he lost his job at Moscow State University in 2014.

Still, somebody obviously took Dugin very seriously indeed. Last weekend, his daughter Daria Dugina, a nationalist journalist, was murdered by a car bomb outside Moscow. It is widely assumed that Dugin himself was the real target.

Whatever the personal relationship between Putin and Dugin, the Russian leader’s decision to invade Ukraine brought to fruition ideas that Dugin has been pushing since the early 1990s. In his 1997 book, Foundations of Geopolitics, which was assigned reading at the Russian military’s general staff academy, Dugin argued that “Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning”.

Asked about his influence on Putin at a 2018 lecture at Fudan University in Shanghai, Dugin was coy — but pointed out that he was arguing for the Russian annexation of Crimea in the 1990s, “long before Putin”.

Dugin’s presence in China was significant. He has capitalised on his supposed proximity to Putin — and his linguistic skills (he speaks fluent English and French) — to build himself a considerable international role.

In China, Iran and Turkey, Dugin has become a spokesman and co-ordinator for those who are seeking to destroy America’s global hegemony. Meanwhile in Europe and the US, he has liaised with far-right forces, positioning himself as an ally in the battle against “globalism”.

In his lecture series at Fudan, Dugin argued that Russia and China must jointly build a “multipolar world order”, ending US dominance. At a meeting in April the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers embraced this idea, with Sergei Lavrov assuring Wang Yi that the two nations would “together . . . move towards a multipolar, just, democratic world order”.

In Dugin’s worldview, the continental countries of the Eurasian landmass, centred on Russia, are naturally opposed to the maritime world led by the US and, before that, by the British. Dugin has praised the Nazi philosopher Carl Schmitt for his “clear understanding of the ‘enemy’ facing Europe, Russia and Asia that is the United States along with its . . . island ally, England”.

These anti-western and illiberal ideas have also found a ready audience in Iran. Dugin has been a frequent visitor and is particularly popular with the hardline elements in the regime. In 2015, he flattered his Iranian hosts by telling them that Iran is “the main base of the war against modernity” (a good thing, apparently). Dugin has also regularly visited Turkey, sometimes as a guest of the ruling AKP, and has made common cause with anti-American forces in the government.

In Europe, meanwhile, Dugin and his sponsor, the Russian banker Konstantin Malofeev, have cultivated ties with hard-right parties such as Austria’s Freedom Party, Italy’s League and France’s National Rally — maintaining links through conferences, lectures and meetings in Russia and western Europe.

In the US, Dugin’s natural bedfellows are on the far right. Early in the Trump presidency, Dugin gave an interview to the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, expressing his hopes for “Mr Trump, who I support with all my heart”. He told Jones that pro-Trump and pro-Putin forces should unite against “our common enemy, the globalists”.

Richard Spencer, the American far-right figure, who was filmed shortly after Trump’s victory shouting “Hail Trump” and giving a stiff-armed salute, is also connected to the Russian nationalist. Spencer’s wife has translated Dugin’s work into English.

In a recent appearance with Chinese and Pakistani academics, Dugin assured his audience that Russia would use nuclear weapons rather than accept defeat in Ukraine. One question now is whether last weekend’s car bombing will lead the Kremlin into even more aggressive policies in the war and in domestic politics.

If Putin and his acolytes blame domestic enemies for the attack, then the stage could be set for an intensification of internal repression — much as the 1934 murder of Sergei Kirov, a Soviet politician, led to the first of Stalin’s great purges. If the Kremlin blames western intelligence agencies, then Russia’s campaign of international assassinations might be intensified.

The most obvious culprits for the Kremlin to blame, however, would be the Ukrainians. The killing came after a week when Ukraine had repeatedly demonstrated its ability to strike behind Russian lines. The Ukrainian government has been swift to deny any connection to the bombing. But if the Kremlin concludes that Kyiv was behind the attack — or finds it convenient to say that — then further brutal escalation of the conflict is likely.

Dugin specialises in violent and incendiary rhetoric — delivered in lecture halls and television studios, a safe distance from any actual fighting. But last weekend the front line came to Moscow. After enduring so much suffering, few Ukrainians will shed tears for Dugin, a man who in 2014 called for Russians to “kill, kill, kill” Ukrainians. Others, further from the conflict, may find it harder to believe that anyone deserves to see their child blown up in front of them.

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