This 83-year-old just owned the Tough Mudder race

tough mudder
tough mudder

This 83-year-old is one Tough Mudder.

Mildred Wilson of Missouri is the oldest person to complete in the endurance 5K — and she ran her third race on May 1, according to SWNS.

Seemingly torturous obstacles — like a giant ice bath, a 60-foot watery trench under a steel fence, a dash through 10,000 volts of electricity and a 12-foot wooden ladder with giant rungs named the “Ladder to Hell” — didn’t stop Wilson from participating in the competition once again.

“Last year when asked if I would do another, my answer was, ‘At my age, I don’t plan that far ahead, but if I am still here and able, I definitely will,’” she told SWNS.

“I didn’t really know I was the oldest to do a Tough Mudder until this year. It’s kind of an honor and everyone makes me feel special,” she continued.

Wilson, who walks 2 miles most days and plays pickleball three to four times a week, always runs the course alongside her 48-year-old son, Danny.

Wilson, 83, said anyone — regardless of their age — should run the race.
Tough Mudder / SWNS
Wilson braved a number of torturous obstacles.
Wilson braved a number of torturous obstacles.
Tough Mudder / SWNS
Mildred Wilson running Tough Mudder.
Wilson always runs the race with her son, Danny (right, in a red and blue jacket).
Tough Mudder / SWNS

“Danny was right with me,” she told SWNS. “I doubt he would be in favor of me doing a Tough Mudder without him — and doing one with him is what makes it special.”

Her son also christened her with a nickname: Muddy Mildred.

This year, Mildred’s niece, Maggie, and her husband, John, joined them too.

“It was their first — we were all excited to finish the entire course,” Wilson said. “We had fun on the entire course.”

The race took the former vending machine company worker 2½ hours to complete — and Wilson admitted it was her hardest one yet, mostly because of a particular obstacle.

“I think this year was harder because Everest — that’s the vertical wall — was back,” she said. “Scaling that wall is always difficult.”

Wilson gets a helping hand from her son, Danny.
Wilson gets a helping hand from her son, Danny.
Tough Mudder / SWNS
Mildred Wilson and her son Danny during Tough Mudder's Missouri 5K
Wilson and her son, Danny, during Tough Mudder’s Missouri 5K.
Tough Mudder / SWNS

But Wilson ran with a purpose: Danny’s youth group is raising money to install a water well in Africa for people who do not have access to clean water.

‘I want to do another Tough Mudder next year if God continues to bless me with good health.’

“I saw a video of the water holes some of the people have to get their water from and it’s heartbreaking. I just wanted to help, and Tough Mudder was a way to do that.

“I also wanted a way to honor and support my daughter-in-law, Tanya Wilson, who is battling pancreatic cancer. I wore her Team Tanya shirt under my wet suit,” Wilson added.

Wilson said anyone who wants to run the course should go for it — with a doctor’s permission, of course.

“But not if your normal lifestyle is to not be active. They always tell us before the race that there is no shame in bypassing an obstacle that we are not comfortable doing,” she clarified.

As for Wilson, she’s up for another round.

“Definitely, yes, I want to do another Tough Mudder next year if God continues to bless me with good health,” Wilson said.

Mildred Wilson running Tough Mudder.
Wilson admitted this year’s 5K was her hardest yet.
Tough Mudder / SWNS

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