TikTok is hopping mad for ‘Yaboi’ Toby Toad

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Toby WP Thumb 1

TikTokers are jumping to their feeds to keep up with the latest clips from “Yaboi” Toby Toad, the latest non-human to rise to viral fame on the video streaming platform.

This amusing amphibian has a collection of hats, his own miniature mansion and even participates in the latest TikTok trends.

His owner, Savannah Mikell, said it doesn’t matter where she goes these days — she always is asked about Toby.

“Toby’s not my pet toad,” Mikell, 27, told The Post. “I guess it’s just kind of a Florida thing. We have porch toads.”

At night, the wild toads gather on the porch to eat moths, she said, and that’s how she found Toby.

In 2019, Mikell joined a Facebook group called “Frogspotting,” where users share all things frog-related.

“I just thought it would be kind of funny to contribute to the group by taking a picture of the toad on my porch on the mini couch that I had,” she continued. “It blew up.”

Her aunt, a professional miniaturist, built Mikell a doll house, which became Toby’s home. Toby quickly garnered a dedicated fanbase on Facebook, and now earns hundreds of thousands of views — and 9.6 million “likes” — on TikTok, with more than 341,000 followers.

“It started as kind of just a hobby, and since then its turned into kind of like a career for me,” she said, adding that the purpose of the account is to “bring people joy.”

Savannah Mikell’s toad, Toby, is the talk of TikTok.
NY Post composite

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