VERY SAD. Jim Jordan Speaks to Reporters after GOP Lawmakers Stab Him and Their Voters in the Back with Secret Vote to Dump Him as Speaker – The Most Popular Republican in Congress | The Gateway Pundit

jordan after loss of speaker
jordan after loss of speaker

Earlier today The Gateway Pundit reported that popular Rep. Jim Jordan lost a third vote to be Speaker of the House.

After the unsuccessful bid, the House GOP met in private and voted in a secret ballot at 1 PM regarding whether Jordan should remain the party’s nominee for Speaker.

Weak and worthless Republican lawmakers in their secret ballot voted to dump Jim Jordan in his bid for Speaker of the House.

The vote was 112 to 86.  It wasn’t even close.  Then the cowards vote in secret and away from their constituents they REALLY stab you in the back.

The Swamp Won Again!

Charlier Kirk said it best on these horrible people.

After the vote Jim Jordan spoke to the press with total class.
The man is exceptional.

Jim Jordan: Well, I told the conference it was an honor to be their Speaker designee. But I felt it was important that we all know the answer to the question if they wanted me to continue in that role. And so we put the question to them. They made a different decision.

I told the conference that I appreciated getting to work with everyone, talk with everyone. I got to know members in our conference that I didn’t really know that well over the last three weeks, and that we need to come together and figure out who our Speaker is going to be.

I’m going to work as hard as I can to help that individual so that we can go help the American people. And I’m also going to go back to work. We got several depositions lined up next week in the Judiciary Committee, work that we need to do for the American people and our investigative work.

So we’ll go back to work there. But it’s important we do unite. Let’s figure out who that individual is, get behind him, and get to work for the American people.

What a class act.

And the rest of the swamp can go to hell. The country is under threat of a tyrannical takeover and these weaklings have no will to fight – except to take out their most deserving members.

The Republican Party is a sad joke.

Via Karli B.

Credit: Source link


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