Victor Reacts: It’s Always the Ones You Most Suspect, Former LGBTQ Pride President Arrested (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

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Sometimes it truly is the ones you most suspect.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit,

Sean Edward Leonard Gravells, 39, the ex-president of the North Peace Pride Society, is now facing multiple sex crime charges, including child pornography offenses.

The B.C. Prosecution Service spokesperson Dan McLaughlin confirmed the charges to Black Press Media on Tuesday.

Gravells is accused of “touching a person under 16 for sexual purposes, sexual interference of a person under 16, possession of child pornography, and importing or distributing child pornography,” according to CBC.

There is a reason that you as a parent might get an uneasy feeling about your children attending LGBTQ+ pride events or being around the President of a pride organization. It may have something to do with the consistent theme of adult nudity in the presence of children.

Adults who make their entire personality revolve around their sexual lives set off red flags for many concerned parents. The entire world has seen what happens at pride events and children should be kept far far away from it. Understanding that children should be protected from such things is enough to get you labeled a “bigot” or some sort of “phobe” but the opposite is true.

Children must be protected.


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