Video shows Bill Cosby moments after his 2021 prison release

bill cosby prison release video comp 1
bill cosby prison release video comp 1

Disgraced TV legend Bill Cosby thanked officers as he was released from prison last year after his sex assault conviction was overturned — while likening his newfound freedom to Juneteenth, new video shows.

Cosby, 84, was upbeat and inquisitive upon being freed on June 30, 2021, from a Pennsylvania prison where he served more than two years after being convicted of drugging and assaulting Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004.

“Thank you, and thank everyone up there,” Cosby told an officer who escorted him to a waiting car driven by publicist Andrew Wyatt.

The former star of “The Cosby Show” then asked Wyatt for an update on news reports about his case after Pennsylvania’s highest court ruled a prosecutor’s decades-old agreement should have shielded him from criminal charges.

“Well, it’s starting to hit,” Cosby said when asked how he felt, video shows. “I was in the bed, in the cot, and they opened the door — because it’s 1 o’clock — and about four or five guys [were] yelling, ‘Bill, get out, you’re going home.’”

Cosby then quipped: “I said, what is it, Juneteenth?”

The fallen funnyman said other inmates, including murderers, rapists, bank robbers and “wife beaters,” all applauded as he was led out.

Wyatt said later he “couldn’t believe” that a judge overturned Cosby’s conviction of three counts of aggravated indecent assault. Cosby had been sentenced to three to 10 years in prison. Cosby, meanwhile, sat in the passenger seat while extolling the end of his time behind bars, video shows.

“No more violent sex offender,” Cosby said. “I’m a free man, you know?”

Cosby accused the media of making “a lot of money” off his case before saying he needed to go into his Elkins Park home to rest, the footage shows.

“The heart is just happy,” Cosby told Wyatt.

A third clip showed Cosby and Wyatt laughing as the actor put up a peace sign to awaiting reporters and police officers at his home.

“We’re going in the back way?” Cosby asked, prompting Wyatt to say no. “Oh boy.”

A man then welcomed Cosby home as he pulled up, the footage shows.

The new clip was released days after a California jury found Csby sexually abused a teenage girl at the Playboy Mansion in 1975. The victim, Judy Huth, now 64, was awarded $500,000.

Wyatt, meanwhile, told The Post Cosby plans to file an appeal.

“Mr. Cosby continues to maintain his innocence and will vigorously fight these false accusations, so that he can get back to bringing the pursuit of happiness, joy and laughter to the world,” Wyatt said in a statement.

Cosby was released from prison on June 30, 2021.
Andrew Wyatt / Pop Nation / TMX

Cosby also posted a photo of himself to his 87,000 followers on Instagram Wednesday while saying “one year of freedom” looked good on him.

“At least that’s what my wife says,” Cosby wrote.

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