Volunteering can boost your resume — and feel good

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After earning his undergraduate degree in Latin-American studies at Oberlin College, Richard Morales had his sights set on his dream job — at El Museo del Barrio in East Harlem, a Latino and Latin-American cultural institution, but he smacked into dead ends.

“I applied to work there, but I never got any response,” he said. “So, I figured one way I would get my foot into the door was volunteering. Being the persistent New Yorker that I am, I called them repeatedly until I got an actual human being on the phone. Eventually, they got back to me, and we started speaking about the position.”

He landed a non-paying gig in 2013, checking people in for events and creating an organized system, with the game plan of working hard and doing the best job he could.

“I figured, I’m going to show you my work ethic, what I’m capable of doing, how I work, how I interact with audiences and with staff and always putting my best face forward, whether or not it was a volunteer role.”

Morales simultaneously juggled three part-time paid jobs until 2015, when the museum approached him with a full-time job opening.

“Two of the three people I met with when I interviewed, I’d worked with in a volunteer capacity,” he said. “It’s definitely important to do what you can to make a good impression. You don’t know who will be [on] the other side of the table. It may be the same person you worked with. Word can get around about who you are.”

Morales was hired as education and public programs assistant, and worked there until 2018, when he left for his current role as manager of cultural programs at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center in Greenwich Village.

Here, he runs arts and cultural programming, also relying on volunteer support. He taps into the skills that he developed while volunteering at the museum to make sure there’s enough volunteers at the community center and they’re clear on their roles.

“Some will want to get their hands dirty in the field and others contribute expertise or time behind the scenes.”

Simon Mainwaring

Simon Mainwaring, founder and CEO of We First, a strategic consultancy firm, and author of “Lead With We: The Business Revolution That Will Save Our Future” (Matt Holt), said many people like Morales leverage volunteering to get a foot in the door, giving back while making contacts and gaining skills.

“Some will want to get their hands dirty in the field and others contribute expertise or time behind the scenes,” said Mainwaring. “Some might choose to focus on a specific cause, faith or volunteer type and others will serve more broadly. In any case, volunteering is a powerful way to physically, mentally and viscerally experience the contribution that you make to others.”

As you volunteer, Mainwaring said there’s an alignment discovery between “who you are and how you show up in the world.” This can unlock a new path in your career, as well as boost your mental health during stressful times.

Richard Morales works at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center in Greenwich Village, running the arts and cultural programming.
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For Antonia Donato, senior account executive at p.r. firm RLM PR in Midtown East, volunteering filled a void from her previous employment.

Ten years ago, she started volunteering for Dress for Success, a global not-for-profit that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools to thrive. For a few hours each month, Donato honed her empathy and listening skills.

“Dressing them up for an interview gave me the people skills I needed to thrive in p.r.,” she said. “There’s only so much you can get from going to Fashion Week or writing a press release. I needed real world experience that gave me a more human approach.”

Donato volunteered for eight years. “As I was teaching [workshops] helping women, I was learning,” she said. “Every time I did an event, I got as much out of it as the participants. My work was improving. I felt more satisfied in my work, and I was able to have a sort of balance that I didn’t have before.”

Some people lean into volunteering as a viable way to stand apart from other job seekers.

“I know from my own hiring practices and extensive experience with HR departments that an applicant volunteering might be a critical signal that sets that person apart from others,” said Mainwaring. “This person knows what they stand for. They’re motivated — willing to show up. And they know how to make a difference.”

Brian Schwartz’s benevolence and savviness caught the attention of several employers with his 501(c)(3) nonprofit, I Want To Mow Your Lawn, a free, socially distanced lawn-care service for senior citizens.

Antonia Donato
Antonia Donato, senior account executive at p.r. firm RLM PR in Midtown East, started volunteering for Dress for Success, a global not-for-profit that empowers women to achieve economic independence ten years ago.
Getty Images

After being laid off last June from his role as vice president at an advertising agency in Times Square, Schwartz didn’t have a backup plan. The birth of his first child was imminent, and his father was battling brain cancer. To manage stress, clear his head and replace an indoor gym workout with the outdoors, the Wayne, NJ, resident mowed his lawn “as therapy to figure out life.”

He hatched the nonprofit idea, put his mower into the family Jeep and cut the lawn of a local senior. “They were super appreciative. It was a good feeling. It felt nice to help out,” he said.

In addition, this blossoming venture kept his mind sharp. “It was also a way for me to keep busy and not have a gap in my resume, which is what I was concerned about. This shows my proactivity as well as my wanting to work.”

It was a good feeling. It felt nice to help out.”

Brian Schwartz

Schwartz added the organization to his resume and LinkedIn profile. As word spread, employers sent him links to apply to their roles, including a CEO who reached out directly.

Now, he’s working a contract role in e-commerce and advertising that’s flexible and supports his efforts with the nonprofit, which is now in 34 states with more than 135 volunteers.

As these sharp skills are coveted by employers, ultimately, it’s all good karma, too.

“Lawn care is the byproduct of the larger picture,” said Schwartz. “Spreading kindness is the end result. There’s definitely a correlation between doing something good in the world and figuring out the next step in life.

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