Woman drops ‘sham’ sex assault suit against Bob Dylan: lawyer

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A woman who claimed Bob Dylan sexually assaulted her when she was 12 years old in 1965 dropped her federal lawsuit against the legendary singer and songwriter on Thursday, his attorney said.

Dylan’s lead attorney, Orin Snyder, said the suit was a fraud and guided by lawyers, not the woman herself. 

“This case is over. It is outrageous that it was ever brought in the first place. We are pleased that the plaintiff has dropped this lawyer-driven sham and that the case has been dismissed with prejudice,” Snyder said in a statement.

Dylan’s attorneys have fervently challenged the suit for over a year, alleging it was designed to extort the musician for the “purpose of extracting a huge payout on the threat of negative publicity.”

In addition, the woman who filed the suit now claims to be a psychic who can channel dead family members for people who are mourning the loss of a loved one, Dylan’s attorneys wrote in court papers. 

The woman, who was not identified in the suit, will be barred from filing a similar claim in Manhattan federal court. 

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